Weight Loss Support

Aukeilagirl Posts: 147 Member
edited February 2016 in Motivation and Support

I just started a YouTube channel to document my weight loss journey. I'm doing it without pills, surgery, weight loss programs or drugs...lol. I'm doing it the good old fashion way food, water, exercise, hard work and dedication. I promise in my videos I will not try to sell you any products. These videos are just documenting my Journey. I invite you to come along with me on this journey. If your anything like me I get motivate by watching videos and seeing results. My YouTube name is Aukeila girl and I will post the link to my most recent video. If your ever interested in how I'm doing you can either subscribe to my page or type in my name Aukeila girl. Please if you have a website or YouTube page put the link in the comments because like I said I enjoy following other people. You all motivate me. I forgot to mention I have already lost 50lbs and I posted a before and during picture on YouTube. I love before and after pictures. Well here is the link please stop by. Good luck everyone and cheers to the healthy life.
