Time to turn the grinder back on..

I've been doing MFP since July 2015 and lost ~30lbs / 40 inches in 6 months. I started new meds in December and went to eating maintenance to see what side effects they would have regarding weight. Then holidays, life mishaps and stress happened (doesn't it always?). I am proud to say that I have not gained any of the weight back, fluctuated up/down 5lbs or so with water weight but nothing permanent. I'm just finishing moving my house around, a major improvement being that my weight equipment will be out in the open and I will have to walk by it multiple times a day (we made a rec/craft room).

Since December, I picked up a diet soda or two and it became a replacement for my water.. and this is something I've been working on the last 2 weeks or so to wean myself back off soda and back into water. Re-focusing on protein/filling veggies for meals and less fast food/carbs also needs some work. Lifting 3x a week again and replacing my speed bag are big priorities.

I know I can do this, I can see how far I've come already (though there is a long way to go yet). I've been putting it off, telling myself "Next week, tomorrow, my next day off, after my husband has surgery, once the post-op visits spread out, etc. etc." He is depending on me being in a good place routine wise so that, once he is no longer crutch bound/casted, I can help support/prod him into rehabbing from a broken leg lasting 3 years with multiple surgeries. More than that, I am depending on me to support myself, to not let myself stay "stuck." While it is better than 350lbs, I don't like it here at 320lbs either.

So here's to putting my nose back on the grinder and getting my butt in gear.