Another Monday another start

Has anyone else had enough of waking up every Monday with the best of intentions and say that this is the day, this is the week, I will finally STICK with my diet and finally change my life around and get to where I want to be?! If any of you lovely people out there are the same as me and would like to share some support and motivation to start our weight loss and get fit journey and make it THIS day of THIS week then add me!!


  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    If you find yourself in a constant repeat mode, perhaps your calorie goal is too severe. You want to choose something reasonable, lose weight at a fairly slow & steady rate, and eat all the foods that you enjoy. Restricting often backfires and the cycle starts of walking a tightrope then spectacular crash...

    How much weight do you plan to lose?
  • UG77
    UG77 Posts: 206 Member
    Monday was going to be that day, but then I decided that Tuesday was just as viable.
  • georgygirl
    georgygirl Posts: 104 Member
    Feel free to add me I need support starting today
  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    lol. I think many of us feel the same. It is hard to keep going. The first time I started last year sept 18th I went strong for 2 month, it got easier after week 2. Then I took a break and ate at maintenance for thanksgiving..HUGE mistake. That 'break' led to two month of repeat and I gain back 8 of the 13lbs I lost. I didn't even know I gained back those 8lbs...I figured I would just jump back on and keep going, how wrong I was. I felt so defeated. But last week I decided it was time to do it ...again. I have had a couple trip ups. well this week I stepped on the scale one week from starting and I am 5lbs heavier!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it is water weight from starting exercising and my ladies time but still 5lbs...a blow to my confidence. So here is to another week...good luck to everyone!
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I never pick a Monday or the first day of the month and especially not New Years day. I usually wake up and say "today is the day." Of course I have done that many times, but I started again on January 6th and for some reason it feels right this time. This journey is way more mental than physical for me. Once I am able to ignore the growling stomach it becomes easier. Growling does not equal hunger most of the time. Good luck to OP.
  • charbame
    charbame Posts: 13 Member
    Monday after Superbowl is the worst (well after Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter...) Even though I wasn't a terrible glutton, I know I ate way more than I should have.

    But sometimes it isn't just Monday, sometimes you have to start fresh every day. Tell yourself I did it yesterday, I can do it again today! Or, I may have failed yesterday, but today I will not!

    Good luck all on another great beginning!
  • sharnna15
    sharnna15 Posts: 8 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    If you find yourself in a constant repeat mode, perhaps your calorie goal is too severe. You want to choose something reasonable, lose weight at a fairly slow & steady rate, and eat all the foods that you enjoy. Restricting often backfires and the cycle starts of walking a tightrope then spectacular crash...

    How much weight do you plan to lose?

    Hi, I'm planning on loosing 3 stone so 42lbs in total. My calorie limit is set at 1200 calories but you have just described me so well so maybe I should up that a bit or have a few days with the calorie intake being higher?? What would you recommend??

  • sharnna15
    sharnna15 Posts: 8 Member
    georgygirl wrote: »
    Feel free to add me I need support starting today
    Added!! Good luck!!
  • sharnna15
    sharnna15 Posts: 8 Member
    lol. I think many of us feel the same. It is hard to keep going. The first time I started last year sept 18th I went strong for 2 month, it got easier after week 2. Then I took a break and ate at maintenance for thanksgiving..HUGE mistake. That 'break' led to two month of repeat and I gain back 8 of the 13lbs I lost. I didn't even know I gained back those 8lbs...I figured I would just jump back on and keep going, how wrong I was. I felt so defeated. But last week I decided it was time to do it ...again. I have had a couple trip ups. well this week I stepped on the scale one week from starting and I am 5lbs heavier!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it is water weight from starting exercising and my ladies time but still 5lbs...a blow to my confidence. So here is to another week...good luck to everyone!

    It sounds like you are doing really well and have the right mindset for it, seeing a gain and not letting it knock you off track!! A few weeks and you should reap the benefits and start seeing a difference in body shape!! Well done you!!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    sharnna15 wrote: »
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    If you find yourself in a constant repeat mode, perhaps your calorie goal is too severe. You want to choose something reasonable, lose weight at a fairly slow & steady rate, and eat all the foods that you enjoy. Restricting often backfires and the cycle starts of walking a tightrope then spectacular crash...

    How much weight do you plan to lose?

    Hi, I'm planning on loosing 3 stone so 42lbs in total. My calorie limit is set at 1200 calories but you have just described me so well so maybe I should up that a bit or have a few days with the calorie intake being higher?? What would you recommend??

    yeah with "only" 42 lbs / 3 stone to lose setting your target to only 1 pound loss per week is more reasonable and will allot you more calories to work with. Also if you exercise don't forget to eat back a portion of what you earn through that. The key is to seek and find the path that is going to work for you forever so unless you have a reason (like medical, legit, doctors on board) to lose fast, then slow, steady and sustainable is the way to go.

    The way I look at weight loss is this: It is my time to be (re)training myself on how to eat for the rest of my life. How to cook tasty and healthy food, how to choose appropriate portions. How to eat to satisfaction rather than to "full." How to survive holiday parties, temptations, office doughnuts. How to eat out at a restaurant, or as a guest in someone's home. It's my time to learn how my body reacts to certain foods, to learn my personal patterns of gain/loss (for example, high sodium meals pack on water weight but it comes off fast; and, I like a lot of women, gain several pounds in the week leading up to my period, etc). I get this time to figure out what exercises I like and which ones I despise, and to teach myself when to worry about weight gains and when to NOT PANIC. All this in preparation for the rest of my life, so that when I reached my goal, I had a firm foundation under me. I don't intend to do this again. I have yo-yo'd for close to half of my adult life, and I'm done. This time is the time I get it right, this is the time I learn all the things I just mentioned, this is the time I get my head around it and understand what goes on with my body.
  • sharnna15
    sharnna15 Posts: 8 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    I never pick a Monday or the first day of the month and especially not New Years day. I usually wake up and say "today is the day." Of course I have done that many times, but I started again on January 6th and for some reason it feels right this time. This journey is way more mental than physical for me. Once I am able to ignore the growling stomach it becomes easier. Growling does not equal hunger most of the time. Good luck to OP.

    I am with you on that one!! I have absolute ZERO willpower!! I would be absolutely fine sticking to a healthy eating and exercise plan if I didn't have to have any contact from friends, family or work colleagues!! This is definitely more of a mental journey for me too!! Good luck!!
  • sharnna15
    sharnna15 Posts: 8 Member
    charbame wrote: »
    Monday after Superbowl is the worst (well after Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter...) Even though I wasn't a terrible glutton, I know I ate way more than I should have.

    But sometimes it isn't just Monday, sometimes you have to start fresh every day. Tell yourself I did it yesterday, I can do it again today! Or, I may have failed yesterday, but today I will not!

    Good luck all on another great beginning!

    That is some really good advice!! For a while I got stuck in the same routine of being really good mon-thurs, then really bad fri and thinking "oh il start again Monday" and spend fri, sat and sun undoing any bit of good work I may have done through the first half of the week!! I shall try to keep that in mind if I turn to greedy girl mode again I need to think that 3 days will definitely do more damage than 1!! Thanks and Good luck!!
  • sharnna15
    sharnna15 Posts: 8 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    sharnna15 wrote: »
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    If you find yourself in a constant repeat mode, perhaps your calorie goal is too severe. You want to choose something reasonable, lose weight at a fairly slow & steady rate, and eat all the foods that you enjoy. Restricting often backfires and the cycle starts of walking a tightrope then spectacular crash...

    How much weight do you plan to lose?

    Hi, I'm planning on loosing 3 stone so 42lbs in total. My calorie limit is set at 1200 calories but you have just described me so well so maybe I should up that a bit or have a few days with the calorie intake being higher?? What would you recommend??

    yeah with "only" 42 lbs / 3 stone to lose setting your target to only 1 pound loss per week is more reasonable and will allot you more calories to work with. Also if you exercise don't forget to eat back a portion of what you earn through that. The key is to seek and find the path that is going to work for you forever so unless you have a reason (like medical, legit, doctors on board) to lose fast, then slow, steady and sustainable is the way to go.

    The way I look at weight loss is this: It is my time to be (re)training myself on how to eat for the rest of my life. How to cook tasty and healthy food, how to choose appropriate portions. How to eat to satisfaction rather than to "full." How to survive holiday parties, temptations, office doughnuts. How to eat out at a restaurant, or as a guest in someone's home. It's my time to learn how my body reacts to certain foods, to learn my personal patterns of gain/loss (for example, high sodium meals pack on water weight but it comes off fast; and, I like a lot of women, gain several pounds in the week leading up to my period, etc). I get this time to figure out what exercises I like and which ones I despise, and to teach myself when to worry about weight gains and when to NOT PANIC. All this in preparation for the rest of my life, so that when I reached my goal, I had a firm foundation under me. I don't intend to do this again. I have yo-yo'd for close to half of my adult life, and I'm done. This time is the time I get it right, this is the time I learn all the things I just mentioned, this is the time I get my head around it and understand what goes on with my body.

    Wow!! The way you look at weight loss is rather inspirational and I will definitely try and and adapt to your way of thinking as your right, it is about retraining ourselves to a happier and healthier life, not into training ourselves to think we are on a diet for the rest of our lives!! Thanks and good luck!!
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Yes, willpower is in short supply for everyone and if you build your approach on willpower, it is unlikely to last Forming healthy habits and getting rid of unhealthy habits and making them HABITS is the way to go.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    sharnna15 wrote: »
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    If you find yourself in a constant repeat mode, perhaps your calorie goal is too severe. You want to choose something reasonable, lose weight at a fairly slow & steady rate, and eat all the foods that you enjoy. Restricting often backfires and the cycle starts of walking a tightrope then spectacular crash...

    How much weight do you plan to lose?

    Hi, I'm planning on loosing 3 stone so 42lbs in total. My calorie limit is set at 1200 calories but you have just described me so well so maybe I should up that a bit or have a few days with the calorie intake being higher?? What would you recommend??

    With 42 lbs. to lose, I would input your stats into MFP to lose 1 lb./week. Any exercise you do will give you additional calories as well. 1200 is so low - I really think you can eat more and lose.
  • dliv90
    dliv90 Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2016
    sharnna15 wrote: »
    ....this is the week, I will finally STICK with my diet...

    I've lost the first 30 of 90 and what is keeping me sane is to not think of this as a diet. I am not on a diet, I am in an educational process where I am finally learning what proper sleep and food looks and feels like. It's not a project, it's not phase, it's not some special time in my life. Because of this, there is nothing to "stick" with. Very very slowly I am dropping bad habits....

    While losing only 1-2 lbs a week is maddening slow, I remind myself to not think of my weight...but to think of how to get to bed on time and be a better cook until I die. (That's right -- don't forget we all have to die. How do you want to have lived your life?) In this way, I do not require myself to have any willpower (which is good because I have none). I also don't beat myself up on those days when my caloric intake equals my output.

    Slowly adopt habits for getting to bed on time and being a smarter cook. The weight take care of itself without you noticing.
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    edited February 2016
    It helped me a lot once I switched to weekly net calories. I always ate back half my exercise calories but I noted I was losing too fast (avg 1.5lbs a week) and getting a bit frustrated with the strictness of my diet plans. I was satiated, but social stuff was hard to manage. Last week, I started eating back all my exercise calories and now I can navigate social situations and occasional large meals while still being within my plan. Having more calories means I will lose slower, but it feels more sustainable to me. Plus, I win every single week, which is very motivating.
  • dliv90
    dliv90 Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2016
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    With 42 lbs. to lose, I would input your stats into MFP to lose 1 lb./week. Any exercise you do will give you additional calories as well. 1200 is so low - I really think you can eat more and lose.

    I second this. Based on your profile picture (which tells me age, sex, rough weight), I'm going to guess your BMR is probably around 1600 calories. If you are moving around at all during the day, you are probably burning an extra 500. At 2100 calories of output everyday, to lose 1 lb a week, you should be eating 1600 calories a day, not 1200. If you exercise even a few times a week, then 1200 is not possible or smart.

    You need to carefully do the math could have a calorie goal that is WAY too unrealistic!