The Boomerang

I don't usually make topics, but wanted to vent. In December I lost 3 lbs. Then proceeded to use the week after Xmas to gain 3 lbs back. It took me the next 3 weeks of January to re-lose those 3 lbs. Then the next two weeks I lost another 2 lbs and was feeling pretty good. Some kind of cold over the weekend, felt crappy, ate at maintenance for two days and day 3 went WAY over (by about 1,200 calories above maintenance). Now this morning back up 3 lbs again.

I know it's not fat. But it's still so frustrating. The math says I should be even further down. Prior to getting sick I was down about 5 lbs over 2 months, but the math says it should have been 7 lbs. So wondering what I'm doing wrong, and worrying it's in my logging somewhere. Then one bad day and boom, weight all back up again. Already feeling like crap. I know it's not 3 lbs of fat. But it'll still probably take me significant time to get it off the scale again. UGH. I'm well into obese. I should be able to eat 1500-1600 (TDEE-20%) calories a day, burn 700 calories 5 days a week from walking AND then walk/jogging later in the day, and see some progress. Instead one bad day and it's all erased. Maybe someone has some funny gifs to cheer me up.