200lbs to lose!



  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    tip for reducing sodium, prep food at home. And that means if you want to make au gratin, do it from scratch. that means no soup cans too. That said, sodium, unless you have a medical reason to be concerned, isn't that big of a deal. Ive never understood the panic over water weight. The table salt you add to your broccoli isn't gonna kill you.

    my favorite starchy tuber thing, slice up a sweet potato or yam, 1/4 inches thick. spray a baking sheet with some spray oil, cook yams on sheet at 400-450 flipping them once, until they are brown. Salt the hell out of them. enjoy. I do this to all sorts of gourds.
  • VeeGeeMom
    VeeGeeMom Posts: 21 Member
    Shakes do not work for me either. Leave me hungry. This time around my hubby and I decided what we eat must be sustainable - a life time change for us. So it is real food this time around and building better habits. This is not a diet but a life style choice.
  • Pandabear0324
    Pandabear0324 Posts: 425 Member
    Hey everyone! I started my journey about 4.5 months ago at 380lbs. This week I am floating between 312-314 and sorta at a plateau. Looking to lose another 150 ish. I could use more supportive friends to take this challenge on together! Add me :)
  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    For starch I do sweet potatoes. You can eat them baked, cut into chips, and even as fries. They are much healthier and give that needed starch of potatoes. Otherwise I try do baby golds on the side with onion and soul seasoning then roast them. They are good and I was surprised how many I could eat within my calorie budget. I really really want to try eggplant in place of spaghetti noodles. I heard it is amazing if cooked right. Can't wait to try it. Good Luck to you, I wish you the best!
  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    oh I also wanted to mention. I don't have a fitbit, way to too expensive for me, but I did buy a pumpkin Bluetooth v4.0 and I love it. It was much cheaper and I find it to be accurate. Since having it I have gone from sedentary to lightly active. Also buy a food scale if you haven't already. I bought mine for $15 at walmart and it was the best investment ever. Don't forget there is always google if you need to come up with a healthy alternative to what you want to eat. GL.
  • danadinunno
    danadinunno Posts: 19 Member
    Hi. I just wanted to stop and say. You are gorgeous and if you set your mind. You WILL DO THIS!!!!!!!'
  • bcherniwchan445
    bcherniwchan445 Posts: 8 Member
    I personally am an Isagenix product user and can not speak highly enough about the products ! Best tasting and nutritious shakes I've ever tried
  • CitizenMichael
    CitizenMichael Posts: 50 Member
    Personally I use herbalife, have tried lots of things and nothing ever stuck, it works for me and has been the only thing I have ever been able to stick due to the simplicity of it, I also still eat food 3/4 times a day and have treats / cheats, it's not for everyone though and I say each to their own, if someone is trying to make a change provided it is legal and not involving surgery then good luck to them.

    So far I lost 3.5stone & 13% Bodyfat and have turned from occasional gym goer and heavy weights lifter to someone who likes to go run obstacle courses

    Keeping myself on track has been the key and being accountable to my peers, I need to take the extra step so have come back to MFP and saw your post.

    Binge eating is massively under heard of eating disorder it doesn't have the same press as anorexia or bulimia, so from someone who has struggled for over 20 years with B.E.D it is a daily commitment that I make not to fall back into bad habits, and I truly wish you the best with your struggle

    My advice and the formula I follow

    10 glasses of water (approx 2.5 litre water), for every tea and coffee you may have get an extra glass of water down you

    5 balanced meals, this app will help keep you on track, just make sure the correct balance of protein / carbs / healthy fats, swap some refund pasta and rice for whole meal

    1 form of exercise 30 minutes or more if you can but do what you enjoy if you like to swim or go to the gym then great if not why put yourself through something you don't like, find something you do like, you can even start by parking your car at the far end of the supermarket and give yourself that extra few minutes walk

    Rest - get adequate rest

    Good luck with it all