Eating well and exercising but very slow fat loss



  • From what I understand if you're netting below 1000 calories your body is going to hold onto your fat rather than burn it. Starvation mode fat retention.

    When I read about this before I had the impression you'd be able to tell if you we're starving you're body. I've never felt hungry and not ate purposely but I just pick low calorie choices
  • Just like to say thanks everyone for the replies
  • yyyy1313
    yyyy1313 Posts: 10 Member
    I've done HIT doing sprint drills. I did this for 3 days and lost 10 pounds the first week (this was on top of my 2 hours of weight lifting 4 days a week). I had to scale it back since it was doing havoc to my body, but does it ever work. I do it once a week now with 1 hour of strength 3 times a week and I'm still losing about 2 pounds a week. I'm a lot heavier than you are so keep that in mind.

    PS: I also recommend eating more like the rest of the people recommended. But don't adjust it all at once, instead do 200 more calories every few days until you get to your new caloric intake goal. It's funny since I did something similar, I was eating about 1600 calories, moved up to 1800 calories a week later and then 2000. After a few weeks of 2,000 I was always hungry so had to increase to 2,200 and still losing my average of 2 pounds a week, plus feel a lot stronger on weights and more explosive on the sprints.

    As far as your concerns on healthy food choices, eat a lot of chicken, egg whites and turkey for a lot of protein.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    just realised you are a man.... there is no way your calorie goal should be 1300 cals....
  • I've done HIT doing sprint drills. I did this for 3 days and lost 10 pounds the first week (this was on top of my 2 hours of weight lifting 4 days a week). I had to scale it back since it was doing havoc to my body, but does it ever work. I do it once a week now with 1 hour of strength 3 times a week and I'm still losing about 2 pounds a week. I'm a lot heavier than you are so keep that in mind.

    PS: I also recommend eating more like the rest of the people. But don't adjust it all at once, instead do 200 more calories every few days until you get to your new caloric intake goal. It's funny since I did something similar, I was eating about 1600 calories, move up to 1800 calories a week later and then 2000. After a few weeks of 2,000 I was always hungry so had to increase to 2,200 and still losing my average of 2 pounds a week, plus feel a lot stronger on weights and more explosive on the sprints.

    As far as your concerns on healthy food choices, eat a lot of chicken, egg whites and turkey for a lot of protein.

    Thanks a lot, definitely going to try out everything you said :)
  • just realised you are a man.... there is no way your calorie goal should be 1300 cals....

    Yeah I was basing that on the 'you need to eat over 1,200 so your body doesn't go into starvation mode' I've put it up to 1,600 now and I'll slowly increase to 2,000
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    A few years ago i was exercising and eating what I now know was a low cal intake. I lost almost 3 stones. As soon as I ate normally again the weight would come back on really fast. I eventually put on half of what I lost. The only reason its not more is due to the fact I was still logging food here and there. In March this year I started going to the gym but never lost anything until April and it was only a few pounds. That's when I saw on mfp about bmr-tdee-body fat% importance rather than scale weight. I think I had really messed up my metabolism and i've gradually been eating up to 1500 which is my tdee-20%. Before I was only eating 1100 cals. I also make sure i'm eating 1g of protein x my body weight so that what I do lose isn't lean muscle. My saving grace the last time was that I was doing resistance training.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    just realised you are a man.... there is no way your calorie goal should be 1300 cals....

    Agreed. Eat more.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    just realised you are a man.... there is no way your calorie goal should be 1300 cals....

    Yeah I was basing that on the 'you need to eat over 1,200 so your body doesn't go into starvation mode' I've put it up to 1,600 now and I'll slowly increase to 2,000

    Just saw this, glad you are eating more.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    1. 182 lbs. x 13 calories = 2366 calories daily intake P= 45 C= 35 F = 20

    try that for 2 vveeks and see if you vvill lose 1-2 lb. ( considering the activity you already mentioned)

    2. Progress vvith your cardio by increasing intensity before increasing duration. ( slovv progress is key )
    As previously mentioned HIIT vvill yield an optimal fatloss vs. steady state cardio in saying that both vvill vvork but HIIT being more optimal but harder!

    3. VVhen you hit a sticking point re-adjust your calorie intake ( ideally 150-200 calories ) and increase intensity of cardio


    Slovv progress is key.... you should only be losing 1-1.5 lb of vveight every vveek. Revvard yourself vvith a treat meal once a vveek. Goodluck to you!

    Wow! 2,366 is a lot! I just don't know how I can eat that much without eating too much fat and carbs?

    VVatch this video to knovv hovv to count macros: