Anyone else struggling with weight-gain causing medications?

I've always been heavy; as an adult, my weight was around 165lb for a 5'4" female. I carry my weight well, though, and was wearing a size 12 petite. After I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I was put on Risperdal. My weight skyrocketed to 223lb and I went up to a size 16 (18 for some brands). I couldn't take the side effects and went off the Risperdal. Without trying, my weight dropped to 168lb and I was back in a size 12.

Well, as a last resort, I've been put back on Risperdal and have shot back up to 185lb. I'm not coming off the Risperdal soon, so I decided I need to be much more active in managing my nutrition and health if I plan on avoiding more weight gain.

Are you going through the same thing? Send a friend invite


  • eimichan
    eimichan Posts: 11 Member
    Oops, ran out of space. Even if you're not struggling with meds, I'd love to be friends. More encouragement all around!
  • ELizzyKD
    ELizzyKD Posts: 19 Member
    I gained over 20lbs on Seroquel treating my depression during the summer before 7th grade. I'm currently 5'1" but I was probably 5 feet tall in middle school. Even after being taken off the medication, I continued to gain more weight. It was embarrassing being 195lbs at age 12/13. I'm now on Lamictal and Welbutrin to treat the depression. Lamictal is an antidepressant and also a bipolar medication. It does not cause any weight gain. I suggest looking into it and checking with your doctor to see if Lamictal is okay. I've been on it since middle school. For reference, I'm 19 and a sophomore in college now, so at least 6 years.
  • eimichan
    eimichan Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ELizzyKD, I feel for you and your own weight struggles. I'm also on Effexor, Lamictal, and Lithium. I also used to take Wellbutrin and Abilify, until they stopped working, which is why I'm back on Risperdal now. Oh, meds, the never-ending battle =).
  • ELizzyKD
    ELizzyKD Posts: 19 Member
    How did Welbutrin affect your appetite? I had to remind myself to eat when I first started on it last year. "Hmm. It's 7:00PM. My last meal was at noon. I should probably eat something."
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    Hi, I am taking 16 different medications a day and the side effects on some are weight gain! I can't come off any of them as they are needed. I am also disabled with multiple joint arthritis, neurological problems in right hand and arm, high blood pressure, angina and a few more! I don't eat after 5pm-6pm. o:)
  • BewitchedBelinda99
    BewitchedBelinda99 Posts: 253 Member
    I think the citalopram tablets I take slow down my weight loss :(
  • I was on quetiapine. It's an anti psychotic used to treat severe anxiety. But I gained 15 lbs whilst using it, nothing I did shifted any weight. In the end of gave it up
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I gained over 100lbs on psychiatric meds (the list is LONG, i won't try to post it lol), but the meds themselves were only partially to blame. I have bipolar disorder. I was depressed, then I was manic, and all the time I didn't give a rat's rear end what or how much I ate... I just ate. And ate. And ate! The meds gave me a constant gnawing empty stomach feeling, and I totally indulged it. Seroquel, +20 lbs. Zyprexa, +30 (in 3 weeks!!!!!). Risperdal, +10. Dalmane, Somnote, lithium, a dozen others, + + +. And that feeling is SO hard to ignore!! Obviously it can be done, as I still take psych meds but have lost 115 pounds. But it is a challenge, especially at first and ESPECIALLY if the reason you take the meds is not well controlled. Once my moods were stabilized and my mind cleared, I was able to better focus on contentiously eating less, drinking more, being active.

    My best advice: don't use your meds as an excuse, accept that it may be more challenging for you than for someone who doesn't take these meds, and face the challenge with your head high and your sights set on the goal. You can do it!
  • BewitchedBelinda99
    BewitchedBelinda99 Posts: 253 Member
    I just spoke to my doctor who said the anti depressants mentioned above dont cause weight gain
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    Just to clarify this, the meds themselves don't actually make you gain weight. As in, that tablet isn't 500+ calories so 1 a day isn't going to make your put on 1lb a week.

    They may affect how hungry you feel or prehaps alter your metabolism but the tablets in themselves do not make you put on weight. So long as you are calorie counting and then start adjusting your calories as required you will still be able to lose/maintain weight as required.

    Drugs can affect you brain and send signals about how hungry you are etc, but they can not make 1800 calories suddenly become 2500 calories.
  • youngmommy2
    youngmommy2 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi eimichan, I don't personally take any medications but my son takes medication for bipolar disorder. When he was on Risperal, his eating was out of control, he just couldn't control his hunger.
    The docs switched up his medications and put him on Lithium and seroquel which are not supposed to have the same symptoms. His eating wasn't so bad but was still bad enough that the doctors were worried. (he would eat to the point of making himself sick)
    The doctors ended up adding Topamax. It is a drug for chronic migraines but also has the effects of controlling hunger in some people. That has worked wonderfully for him.

    Do you exercise? Maybe that can help offset some of the extra calories and keep you busy. I do have suffer from depression and use food as comfort and exercise is definitely something that helps by making me feel better overall.

    I know it is hard and I applaud you for taking control over both your mental health and your physical health. I wish I had more advice.
    Good Luck.
  • kabocha1986
    kabocha1986 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, there!
    Been living with bipolar disorder since I was pretty young, finally found some meds that stabilized things and have been on them the past 15 or so years. Unfortunately, they also cause weight gain.
    I have never in my life been really skinny, and barely was in the "normal" range for a few months. My self control is almost non existent, especially when I have even one drink.
    The bipolar isn't going away, the meds aren't going away, so what's left is to do the best we can with what we got. Feel free to add me for support!