Sticking to plan but weight it staying still

Can anyone give me some tips and help?? Sticking to plan perfectly but still seeing no change in my weight... It's at stand still



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    1.jpg 135.4K
  • Mystical64
    Mystical64 Posts: 108 Member
    It all depends on what you are doing. My weight hasn't changed much. When I weighed in this morning I had lost 3 lbs, when down 3% body fat, but gained 4 lbs in muscle mass. Maybe you aren't eating enough and your body is holding on to what it has. Or you are changing fat into muscle. You need to ask yourself these things, how much am I working out, am I getting enough food, am I drinking enough water. I eat 6 small meals a day. Average 1300 to 1400 calories a day, I do resistance training 3 times a week and kickboxing 3 times a week. Sometime on KB days, I go twice a day.