Last 3 pounds stuck!

I have lost 97 pounds and have 3 to go. It seems like these last 3 will never come off. I've been stuck for almost 3 weeks. Any suggestions? I'm getting really frustrated!


  • jswigart
    jswigart Posts: 167 Member
    I have been having a similar dilemma. I have lost 75 pounds and have 10 to go. The last 10 have been brutile. I even started gaining at one point.
    Let's face it, our bodies get used to what we are doing. We have to shake things up once in a while. I was eating too few calories. I started eating a little more and now the scales are headed in the right direction again.
    The closer you get to your optimum weight the tougher it will be.
    Congratulations on you fantastic loss! Keep the goal in you sights and don't give up. J