How do you all keep your motivation



  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    "Motivation" has very little to do with it. I exercise 5/6 days a week because I exercise 5/6 days a week, much like I go to work 5 days a week, take the trash out when it needs taking out, clean my clothes when necessary, make the bed, walk the puppy, feed the puppy and my family, load/empty the dishwasher when necessary and do all of the other necessary things that make life livable, bearable and pleasant. Our daily exercise routine is just one more thing we do to make life pleasant. By the way, How do you MOTIVATE yourself to brush your teeth EVERY MORNING?

    How about we stop making this, exercising, more difficult than it should be? Let's just include it in the many things we do each to be better. Just like there are days I really don't want to go to work, there are days I really don't feel like exercising. I do both, however, because that is what I do. I have NEVER regretted doing an exercise routine.

  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member
    More about decision less about motivation I 'll keep your statement in mind next time I need to get on the treadmill. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Stand in the mirror naked. That's enough for me. Get going!!!!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    The motivation for me is just wanting to be the best I can be...I know I have to eat right and well, and I need to workout, and hard, sometimes...when I don't want to do it, I do it anyways. I don't want to get big again. We just have to decide what we want, and how bad do we want it? What are we willing to do to get where we need to be to be happy? For me, that means kicking my own butt, day after day...If I don't want to bad enough, that's called "rest day". Doesn't matter what day it happens on,! {{{If discipline doesn't work, taking off all my clothes and walking around for an hour is usually enough to get my butt into gear FAST! :D }}}
  • kkfaith7
    kkfaith7 Posts: 6 Member
    They say motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.

    I agree with some of the other posters. If you look at your body and aren't happy with what you see, that should be motivation enough to get started. Then once you get into the habit of fitting work outs into your schedule, it'll be easier to keep with it. Once you see results, it becomes an addiction! They always say if you don't enjoy what you eat while you're dieting or enjoying what you're doing for exercise, you won't stick with it. So find some healthy foods that you enjoy eating and activities that you enjoy that get you moving and you'll be much more likely to stick with it.
  • blissfulheartweddings
    blissfulheartweddings Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2016
    By looking at old pictures of when I was healthiest and exercised regularly and when I wasn't. The difference for me is tremendous. When I don't exercise I begin to feel more lazy or lethargic, lack more motivation and have trouble in general with getting back into it. I feel best when I have a routine. Sometimes friends make it more difficult because they will say things like you don't need to exercise. I need it for my mental and physical self. If I listen to them and stop for awhile I start to feel defeated. It's not a good feeling. I got into a few month rut after years of exercising regularly, but I AM getting back into it. Anyway, that's my motivation. I am just finding it again after losing it for a bit. ;-)
    If I can do it - anyone can do it!
  • amberlina_12
    amberlina_12 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2016
    I try and keep motivated by looking at old pictures of myself when I was a healthier weight. I have an old pair of jeans I want my big butt to fit "whooohoo" I set motivational pictures for my wallpaper on my phone. I have a friend that is on the same journey which helps. I look at other peoples success :smiley: I have fallen off track so many times but this time is different. I am giving it 100% and taking it day by day. Just try and be positive positive positive!