Getting fit while depressed

Hi all! I know I've had my account here for ages but for various reasons I haven't started using this site until now. Like the title says, I've been depressed for quite a while and food has always been my comfort, even during good times. Since last Spring my condition has gotten worse again and now I can say I'm pretty dependant on sugar. With not much energy to go even for a walk it has been disastrious for my health. But now I've decided enough is enough. I can do at least something. And with friends I can do even better! Peer pressure works great on me ;)

I'm a student, a crafter, cat lover and I have a bit of a green thumb. I'm always listening music or watching Netflix. I'm a long time vegetarian but trying more vegan recipes lately. My favourite food is pasta but I think I need to try zoodles. I also have hypothyroidism so that's fun for weight loss, too. I'm looking for friends so add me! :) Support guaranteed.


  • Binkyta
    Binkyta Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! Let's be friends!
  • Binkyta
    Binkyta Posts: 2 Member
    Turns out I don't know how to add people lol
  • LosingIt2022
    LosingIt2022 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! Request sent. I also suffer from depression, I've no words of wisdom as I have yet to conquer my weight issue after many years of trying on and off, although now that I'm in 'the zone' I'm going to do everything in my power to stay here. I think we could be good support for one another :smile:

    P.S.I also love cats (whats not to love?) lol
  • ValkyriesCharge
    ValkyriesCharge Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. In a funk, but I know it would probably help if I improved my diet... you know... consistently. Also love cats, and have Graves Disease. So opposite the hypo, but I'm on medication that is probably not helping me in the metabolism department! I'm not Celiacs, but feel better on a gluten free diet. Feel free to add me.