3 Kids and 100 pounds later... Help, I don't know where to start

OK, so, I'm usually not dramatic but for some reason I am on the verge of tears because I just feel like I don't know where to start. I love my babies and I'm so glad that I have been blessed by God to have them, so I don't regret it, but the weigh gain and the lack of time and being so tired all the time. I just feel like I can't handle it all.

However, I know that has to be a lie through all of my brain chatter because there are so many people with small kids who are in awesome shape. I just wonder to myself, how do they do it? How can I be healthy and spend time with my babies and work and take care of my husband?!?

This is my first time writing on a blog like this but I feel like I just need some help, motivation, encouragement, and or tips. Anything will help! Please just help me start by sharing your stories so that I may find encouragement through each of you.

Thank you! I sincerely appreciate it.


  • kvansteen
    kvansteen Posts: 82 Member
    I only have 2 babies, but honestly my double jogging stroller has been a savior. I strap them in 4 years and 18 months and go for walk or run. I did couch to 5k and am now planning on s half marathon this may and signed up for s tough mudder in October. Also fitness blender on YouTube is awesome.
  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member
    Don't beat yourself down, don't think of the weight, be good to yourself. Think of one healthy think you can do,and slowly progress from there. Log your food intake( this helps me, even if I over eat, I log to be accountable. wish you accomplish your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • cloverin
    cloverin Posts: 7 Member
    Get a fitbit! Challenge each other. It's working for me to keep me motivated. Add me as a friend, we can all help each other. I've got 60+lbs to loose and I'm not going on some radicle diet to do it!
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I did it by reorganizing my priorities. I kept putting myself last, and my body paid the price.

    So for months, I started putting myself on my own list. It meant I was too tired and busy to put everyone and everything else first. But I realized that once I let the laundry and the dusting go to the bottom of the list, and took care of myself, I'd have more energy for those things later on, and not resent them as much.

    Basically I did the bare minimum for almost 4 months, until I had more energy and reorganized my priorities to include my needs near the top of my list. Everyone is much happier, and I'm healthier.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    How young are your kids?

    Start making a few changes to get the ball rolling so to speak. Add more fruits and vegetables, limit sweets and desserts to special occasions, cut back on eating out, drink more water, try to be more active throughout the day (activity trackers can help with this), go to bed earlier so you are not so tired, plan simple/easy meals so you are more apt to cook dinner vs. getting take out... There are tons of lifestyle changes you can start incorporating. Don't attempt them all at once. Pick one, get really good at it, then pick another.

  • sherrirod252015
    sherrirod252015 Posts: 50 Member
    I feel the same. I'm always working out and eating right, boot camp etc. And some can have a baby and wear a bikini the next week. Lol. You can add me!
  • yasminara
    yasminara Posts: 247 Member
    I agree with everyone else. I'm not a mom, but please dont beat yourself up. Dont think of the number, think of something small you can do that is either healthy food or fitness wise that you can enjoy. Like my mom used to take us all on a 15 minute walk around the neighborhood after dinner. Great to walk off dinner and we talked about our day. Or find a new salad you might like or just incorporate more fruit! I promise just baby steps and great support system is all you need!

    Plus, putting your family first is what makes you a great mom. But I agree with the other moms, schedule a slot for yourself whether its 30mins to an hour. It sounds selfish, but its for your mental health too, which was my struggle with weight. Even meditating and finding peace in the day will help with stress eating and keep you focused!

    Best of luck and feel free to friend me if you want someone to comment all over your wall with support
  • archie313
    archie313 Posts: 9 Member
    Another perspective: forget about exercise. It's great for your health but doesn't burn many calories. If you burn 200 calories working out, think about how fast you can eat that many calories and wipe out the exercise. What we weigh is largely dependent on what we eat. Hopefully, without worrying about exercise (for a few months, not forever) you'll have one less stressor.

    It's been said, but don't try to change everything over night. Just make small changes, they'll add up over time and over time you'll get the hang of this.

    And please don't stress out if you take a step back. It happens to all of us (we won't even discuss the Valentine cookies my sweet 90 yr old neighbor brought over on Wednesday). Just log it here and move on.

    Please add me to your list of friends:)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    OK, so, I'm usually not dramatic but for some reason I am on the verge of tears because I just feel like I don't know where to start. I love my babies and I'm so glad that I have been blessed by God to have them, so I don't regret it, but the weigh gain and the lack of time and being so tired all the time. I just feel like I can't handle it all.

    However, I know that has to be a lie through all of my brain chatter because there are so many people with small kids who are in awesome shape. I just wonder to myself, how do they do it? How can I be healthy and spend time with my babies and work and take care of my husband?!?

    This is my first time writing on a blog like this but I feel like I just need some help, motivation, encouragement, and or tips. Anything will help! Please just help me start by sharing your stories so that I may find encouragement through each of you.

    Thank you! I sincerely appreciate it.

    Having kids for me meant making a conscious effort to make healthier eating choices - limiting things like pizza or other fast food to once a week, limiting sodas and other sugary stuff so they kids do nto get used to them, trying to make more balanced meals at home (e.g. forcing myself to eat more vegetables or fish when I would have cooked just plain pasta with cheese for myself) and so on. I never had a weight problem, but my choices in my single days were not necessarily the best. A couple of slices of pizza and a couple of beers could have been dinner on any random day. So food-wise, having kids actually helped me making more of an effort to always having something more balanced. Planning is essential for me with 3 kids: Usually more complicated/time consuming meals are prepared twice a week (one weekend day, one midweek day), so that the food will last for 3-4 meals at a time, and I have a list of quick meals for the rest of the days, like omelettes, grilled meat/fish, pasta with simple sauces, stir fries.
    For exercise, when the kids were tiny, this was mainly going on walks, and me running on a treadmill, so I could do it without leaving the kids (used to run a lot pre-kids). As they got older, what works for me is closely working with all our schedules so we can do things at the same time. I was a chubby and sedentary kid, so it was for me a priority for my kids to feel comfortable in sports from a very young age. I always tried to schedule my workouts when they had something to do to, and made an effort to find activities that can be combined. Like access to a swimming pool where adults can swim while the kids are having their swimming lessons, pilates classes at the school one of my kids was doing ballet, a gym close to the kids other afternoon activities etc.