I've been awake 35 hours now.

cassandranken Posts: 129 Member
edited February 2016 in Motivation and Support
I can't sleep. I'm tired, but I can't sleep. I can't turn my mind off. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so depressed. I can't think straight. I can't function. I'm so exhausted. I have an appointment to see my doctor on the 16th, and hopefully he will put me on some medication that can help me. I can't force myself to plan and cook meals for the week. I can't even force myself to bathe or wash my hair lately. I'm so tired and lonely. I feel like a nothing and a nobody. I don't have anyone to talk to about it. I do have my fiance, but I don't know if he just doesn't care or doesn't know what to say or do but he hasn't been much support. I just wanted him to come take a nap with me so I could feel close to him for a while, thinking it would help me sleep. He fell asleep in the armchair and I stared at the wall for 2 hours.

I know I'm not asking for advice and just coming here to whine and I'm sorry. I just want somebody to know I exist and that I'm hurting. Nobody has noticed. Everybody just talks over anything I have to say anyway. It's not normal to be awake this long, and it's not normal to sleep for 16-25 hours when I finally do sleep. I keep showing up late for work and I've told people I'm not sleeping anymore. I've flat out said I'm having issues with my mental health. They just don't care.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I can't sleep. I'm tired, but I can't sleep. I can't turn my mind off. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so depressed. I can't think straight. I can't function. I'm so exhausted. I have an appointment to see my doctor on the 16th, and hopefully he will put me on some medication that can help me. I can't force myself to plan and cook meals for the week. I can't even force myself to bathe or wash my hair lately. I'm so tired and lonely. I feel like a nothing and a nobody. I don't have anyone to talk to about it. I do have my fiance, but I don't know if he just doesn't care or doesn't know what to say or do but he hasn't been much support. I just wanted him to come take a nap with me so I could feel close to him for a while, thinking it would help me sleep. He fell asleep in the armchair and I stared at the wall for 2 hours.

    I know I'm not asking for advice and just coming here to whine and I'm sorry. I just want somebody to know I exist and that I'm hurting. Nobody has noticed. Everybody just talks over anything I have to say anyway. It's not normal to be awake this long, and it's not normal to sleep for 16-25 hours when I finally do sleep. I keep showing up late for work and I've told people I'm not sleeping anymore. I've flat out said I'm having issues with my mental health. They just don't care.

    Google any mental health helplines in your area and call. If you do have a therapist or psychiatrist, call. Otherwise, find one. If there is no other solution, ask your fiance or a friend to drive you to a hospital. Good luck.
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Sending you big hugs! I agree w aggieliklik. Keep searching for support in your area. You matter, your happiness matters. This too shall pass! Better days are ahead. ❤️