What goal should I focus on?

Hi all,

I've been using MFP on and off for about four years. I'm at my highest weight ever, currently. I'm recommitting to losing weight, but I'm wondering if I should enter my 2016 goal of weight loss into MFP or my "ultimate" goal weight.

I'm currently 328 but I hope to see 299 before the end of the year. Ideally, I would like to be at 255 but I'm not sure that's reasonable right now (I'd like to see how I lose the first 30 lbs first). My ultimate goal is 180, no matter how long that takes. Which goal should I input to MFP now that I'm recommitting? Which goals have you focused on/worked best for you?

Hope this isn't a dumb question!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Not a dumb question at all. When I first started, I entered my goal as the top of my healthy range per the BMI charts. Now I have a goal that is about 17 pounds below it (more toward the middle of my range) so I've updated my goal. You can put yours at any point. Put it at 299 now. Once you get there, move it to 255, then later you might make it 225 and then 200 and then 180. It all works :)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'd put in whatever number is least likely to freak you out. If your immediate goal is 30 pounds, then set it for that. If you're okay with putting down 180 as your goal weight, then put that down. I've put 145 as my goal, but that number was just the top end of the BMI range for me. I reserve the right to adjust when I get closer to that number. I'm currently at about 328 too and my immediate goals are to get under 320, then 310, then in the two's. I'm hoping that'll take only about 3-4 months, but we'll see. As long as the scale is going down, I'm happy! LOL
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I find it easier to have 'short' goals- 25 pounds at a time. Otherwise, I look at that total that I need to lose to get to 'healthy BMI' and it just seems overwhelming.
    I like cebreisch said about 'whatever number is least likely to freak you out. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I put in my ultimate goal (although I have lowered it), since I'd been that weight not terribly long ago, so knew it was realistic. If you feel more comfortable thinking in smaller steps (I actually thought in segments of 30, but also kept an eye on the ultimate goal), go with the higher one. You can change it when you are ready.