Pop Cravings - Suggestions?



  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    buy a soda stream and some zero calorie or low calorie flavor pouches (crystal light, wyler's, mio)

    problem solved.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    I'm a Pepsi girl. Always have been. I love soda. So for me it had to be full stop. I stopped immediately and replaced it with Mio water drops added to water. I also don't like to use artificial sweeteners. I'm not saying they're bad, I'm just saying I don't want to use them. So as soon as the soda cycle was broken (1month) I dropped the Mio water for just fresh lemon in ice water. Now when I want a Pepsi once every couple weeks or so I'll have one. But now I find it too sweet and end up drinking about 1/2 a can and then pouring it out.
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    I still drink Diet Coke for my morning caffeine (never did learn to like coffee) and sometimes another one in the afternoon if I'm lagging) but my one-time 2L-a-day Diet Coke habit was curbed by switching to La Croix (and similar unsweetened flavored sparkling waters). They really do the trick. Mostly I craved the cold can and the bubbles.

    Soda Stream is a more budget-friendly option, but I enjoy the variety of flavors available in canned sparkling water. It's a nice no-guilt treat and I don't mind splurging a little for it.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    edited February 2016
    That's kind of my point though. You can flavor sodastream water with literally anything. It doesn't need to be syrups. You are only limited by what you choose to put in the water.

    I don't know how much more economical you can get, and for 0-5 (my chosen items... yours may vary) calories per liter... can't really beat it.

    Edited for clarity.