Do you go for walks alone?



  • lainy1979
    lainy1979 Posts: 173 Member
    I try to walk everyday although it doesn't happen all the time. When I do walk I'm pushing my daughter in her pushchair. I feel security pushing the pushchair, I'm unsure if it's because it gives me purpose "hey look there's a mum out for a stroll with her baby" or because it hides the parts of my body that I'm insecure about mainly tummy & thighs.

    I walk to my parents house mostly, it's a lovely 3 mile nature trail so I think about trees, water, birds, dogs/dog walkers and how to avoid getting mud on the wheels or bumping into cyclists. I wonder what other people are thinking about & where they're going.

    I also try to walk the bus routes I'd usually take, they aren't scenic & are filled with traffic, noise & bumping into people I don't want to see. Then I'm thinking "*kitten*, I wish I'd got on the bus".
  • Osiris275
    Osiris275 Posts: 228 Member
    edited February 2016
    I walk alone with my three dogs for an hour twice a day. I live in a very rural area and enjoy the peace. I almost never see anyone else. We do an hour in the afternoon and an hour at night.

    Mostly I think about weight loss and things that are stressing me out!
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    I am not a religious person, but I would venture to say that walking is as much a spiritual practice as a fitness activity in my life at this point.

    I love that you wrote the above, and walking every morning is very much the same for me. I live in a small town with lots of forested land, and used to walk alone with my dog most of the time, exploring the woods. Now my husband joins me and our mutt, as does a neighbor couple, and sometimes three dogs from other neighbors (not the neighbors, just their dogs!), and it's a wonderful way to start the day. I enjoy walking in any fashion--alone or with friends and the tribe of 'hood dogs, and I generally walk every single morning as long as my schedule and weather allow.

    I'm not one to promote my blog, but I did do a write-up a couple years ago about my morning walks with my dog, and tried to put it in my dog's perspective. She's so dang entertaining, and the morning walk is such a vital part of our day, I thought I'd pass it along:
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    *peeks into this thread with binoculars*

    I knew it!
    I walk through the woods at night. PM me and I'll send you my location.

    Don't encourage him! The call is coming from inside the house...
    Goose28in wrote: »
    Walks range anywhere from 3 miles to 9 miles, with a pace of about 16:30 per mile.
    Your walking pace is my current jogging pace B)

  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    Creepy questions... Are you a kidnapper?

    LOL! I thought the same by the thread title and OPs pic!
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    When the weather is at all decent (at least mid 30's w/no ice or heavy rain) I walk alone w/music for roughly 3 miles. If it isn't muddy I much prefer the trails behind the park, but when it is wet I deal with neighborhood sidewalks.

    Right now I just have to drive myself to the gym. Highs for the next few days are something like 10 -11 degrees.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I walk at 5am when it's still dark out. There are minimal street lights around my neighborhood and no sidewalk, so I am aware of my surroundings (trying not to get hit by a car or murdered). Sometimes I walk the dogs, always listen to music.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    In nice weather i take the babies for a long walk daily. Usually with a fellow mom friend and her baby.

    I also frequently walk alone at night. Usually listening to an audio book. I carry pepper spray at the request of my husband, but i dont think its necessary.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    What do you think about?

    How long are your walks?

    What time do you like to walk?

    Where do you walk?

    Do you listen to music/audiobooks?

    Do you say hello to other walkers? Or are you too caught up in your own world to notice anyone else?

    Let us discuss the virtues of walking.

    Usually 2.5 miles. Late afternoon or just after dark. Favorite walk area is a path along the Willamette River. No music or audio books. I like to just be in the moment and watch whats going on around me. I do nod or smile at other walkers. Some acknowledge it, some ignore. Walking is the best mental health medicine there is...well, at least for me. :)
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    What do you think about?

    How long are your walks?

    What time do you like to walk?

    Where do you walk?

    Do you listen to music/audiobooks?

    Do you say hello to other walkers? Or are you too caught up in your own world to notice anyone else?

    Let us discuss the virtues of walking.

    I think about all sorts of things ranging from work to what's for dinner.
    Depends on the weather
    Usually evening after dinner
    Now on my property before around the block. Have to stick to my property to discourage homeless people from setting up camp.
    No between homeless people and wild animals its not a good choice.
    No because there shouldn't be other walkers.
  • angelamichelle_xo
    angelamichelle_xo Posts: 646 Member
    i walk along, day time only, with music or audiobooks, i wave to other walkers/runner/bikers.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    We have two dogs and they get at least an hour of cross country walking a day where they can be off lead and run around. We cover about three miles in that time on weekdays. On weekends we go for longer hikes. When we encounter others we do greet them. I never walk to music or audio books because I like to hear what goes on around me.
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    edited February 2016
    What do you think about? Depends on what I see. My mind can easily take many tangents. "Boy those people sure put a lot of work into that yard", "I bet that treehouse was fun to build", "Why do people have to ruin the trail by taking shortcuts and ripping up the vegetation?", "I wonder if there is a decomposing body over there?"

    How long are your walks? An hour or two.

    What time do you like to walk? Early afternoon.

    Where do you walk? Urban trails, paved walking path around Green Lake, waterfront/beach trails.They're kind of mini urban hikes really. I like going up hills but my knees are not so thrilled about going down. I use a hiking stick and my Garmin eTrex to keep up with mileage and speed.

    Do you listen to music/audiobooks? Never.

    Do you say hello to other walkers? Or are you too caught up in your own world to notice anyone else? If I'm meeting them I always nod, sometimes a sentence or two or comment about them or their dog. If I'm passing, nothing.

    This was a very interesting thread. Way more better than the endlessly repetitive and stupid questions usually here. It never occurred to me that you might be a creepy stalker. I'll be watching you from now on, though. (squinty glare in your direction). I enjoyed reading what others think about on their walks. Some MFPers sound really cool and I just might add them as a friend.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Okay... I'll do this properly this time and follow instruction... ;)

    What do you think about?
    "Where are the dogs?"
    "What is he rolling in?"
    "When will it stop being so muddy?"
    "They will need a bath when we get home!"

    How long are your walks?
    During the week about an hour to one and a half hours.
    On weekends two hours plus.

    What time do you like to walk?
    Either early in the morning or midday.

    Where do you walk?
    We're in rural Wiltshire in the UK. There are cross country footpaths everywhere. We like to walk by the river (called the "Avon") or near the canal (called the "Kennet and Avon" canal)

    Do you listen to music/audiobooks?
    No never. I like to listen to the sound of water or the birds.
    I also need to keep an ear out for runners and cyclists on the towpath, so I can get the dogs so sit nicely for them to pass.

    Do you say hello to other walkers? Or are you too caught up in your own world to notice anyone else?
    Yes we always say hello. Most people say hello back. Some runners or cyclists don't say hello back sometimes, but hey ho.

  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited February 2016
    What do you think about?
    Everything and nothing. When returning home I start still thinking of work, by the time I get home my head is clear again. But I have also solved issues in my knitting and sewing patterns through walking and solved world crises. Hoever the latter did not work out as I had intended :wink:

    How long are your walks?
    Stongly depends. During the week my walks are about 55 minutes/5km each as I walk to work. My long trainingwalks are between 18 and 33 km. When on a long distance walking holiday that is the length of the day walk too. Takes between 3,5 and 8 hours.
    Plus of course I try to walk everywhere on top of the structured walks (supermarkets, family etc)
    What time do you like to walk?
    I prefer the morning and the early evening as that is what I do most due to work. However it is also depends on season and weather, So I prefer light and dry, but will walk in the rain and darkness if needed. I totally do dislike walking on a midsummer midday and will avoid it like the plague
    Where do you walk?
    Most of my time I walk through my own home town. Longer walks are in the area around town, occasionally going to a special place/nature reserve for a walk. Long distance walking holidays have been so far in the UK on long distance paths
    Do you listen to music/audiobooks?
    No, I prefer to hear what is around me, the birds the plants and generally soaking in all the beauty on nature that even exists within a built up area. It is my time of wonder and peaceful enjoyment.
    For instance I love a part in town where I walk and many people stop and stare there taking pictures. Why? Well there is a patch of grass and often in the middle of the city one or two rabbits sit there peacefully eating grass. I always smile as these people are in awe of this little piece of nature. However I know that right behind their backs there are an additional dozen rabbits that are hiding from them. Never told anybody their hiding place that I happen to know.
    Do you say hello to other walkers? Or are you too caught up in your own world to notice anyone else?
    Many of my co-workers and people I know pass me by bike so I get a lot of hello and I will answer when I notice them. I also have a few dogwalkers that know me now and greet me. When it is raining there is a lot less hello and then I am more enclosed in my own little world. That is kinda magical too.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I forgot to answer how long my walks are. At least 20 minutes. I often go for 20 minute walks at least a couple times a day. Often an hour or 90 minutes.
  • Running_lifting
    Running_lifting Posts: 5 Member
    I run or hike alone or with my dog.
    Usually 45 mins (longer on a hiking trail)
    I think about future plans, wishes, the beauty that's around me.
    I don't usually listen to music since I do want to be aware of my surroundings, especially as a woman alone.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Generally with dog

    I play music loud

    I live in a city and I walk to parks, generally I hit two local parks or the local woods

    I generally think what's that stupid dog up to now, sometimes I work out life issues, sometimes I think of an interaction with someone or think about my family ..most of the time I just strut to my music and do mindless meditation (yup mindless and not mindful ;) )

    I generally walk 2.5 to 5 miles

    I don't notice other people and even friends have to gesticulate wildly or grab me to make me notice the real world ...cos music, loud

    If I'm not with a dog I walk to the shop, buy needful things and walk back ...that's normally a couple of miles (I purposefully aim for shops further away dweller there's shops everywhere)