Harder the next time around...

Hello everyone! I joined back in 2012 I believe when I started to lose weight after having my first child. I had pushed myself up to almost 300lbs, I was a single mom desperate for change. Thankfully I had family willing to help and support me as I started. From March 2012 to December 2012 I had lost a total of about 65lbs, then from then to about June/July 2013 I lost an additional 20ish lbs! I was at the lowest I'd ever been in my adult life, even though I was not at my "goal" I was happy & felt great about myself. That all change when I met my now husband... & simple as that I started to gain weight & did a crappy job at taking care of myself, stop working out, eat semi ok, but didn't really care, I was happy, but only at that time. We got married in Aug 2014 and moved outta state where I had no family & we were near his... I gained more weight and 1) ending up getting back up to my original weight in a little over a year & 3 months later got pregnant with our second child. During my pregnancy I gained an additional 25 lbs, when I gave birth I left only "losing" about 10lbs of baby/weight. After being home my husband accepted a job offer with the government that would lead us to another state that neither of us knew anyone, from late Oct2015 to late Jan2016 I had gained more back... Now putting me at my ultimate heaviest almost 340lbs, I am completely devastated and trying this all over again is so hard... I have completely forgot everything... I started to eat healthier and exercise on Jan31,2016 by that Saturday I lost 6.9lbs, but I struggle with depression and a husband who says he is supportive but doesn't show it... I would like an online support system of woman who are in my weight group starting out or staring over.

Thank you for reading, I know it's probably a horrible grammical & punctuation mess! Lol

Feel free to add me!


  • AmaGray
    AmaGray Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Roxy. You still there? I understand your pain. I've been slowly increasing my weight as well. Gave birth to my 3rd child one year ago. So ready to loose these extra extra love handles. Add me if you'd like. We can help motivate one another. I could use some support. I first joined years ago as well. Nothing good came out of it due to my back and forth war with MFP. But I'm ready now :smile: