This works!

Hello, all!
Started MFP last month and have lost a total of (rounding) 13 pounds from my starting weight! Started losing weight just by keeping around 1200 calories. I live a predominantly sedentary life and when I started going to the gym, I started losing even more! Just starting out my exercise after many years of none so it's a routine that is challenging enough for me without being so strenuous that I avoid it. I can't believe how wonderful I feel after doing them! Not only because of the way I feel physically but also mentally that I succeeded in doing my exercise for the day. I know now why people become addicted to exercise! I also do yoga (Heavyweight Yoga) usually on a daily basis but been sick lately (some kind of gastroenteritis) so not as consistent. Going to start a local weight loss support group and MFP will definitely be promoted. The group will meet for a weekly weigh-in and to celebrate not only weight loss but also effort because as all of you know, our bodies don't always respond to the effort we have put in that particular week. But that should not make us feel like failures. As long as we make the daily effort to improve our health, we are winners lost pounds or not! There will be no particular diet for this group as one diet does not fit all. The members choose their own diet and fitness plans from the myriad that are out there. We will share our successes, struggles, information and resources. We will support one another in any way we can. For example, my gym is 30 minutes away and I have three spaces in my car to carry anyone who would also like to join the gym and go on the days I go. And the icing on the cake is going to be the literal icing on the cake; DESSERT! I am calling the group The Just Desserts Club. Of course no one HAS to eat dessert but it is a wonderful way for those who choose to to reward themselves for their efforts of the week. I heard somewhere that despite the plethora of weight loss support programs out there, all with their different "plans", they are all successful because of the one thing they have in common; weekly weigh-ins and mutual support. Some of these programs can be quite expensive. The Just Desserts Club will have no fees, no gimmicks, and no shaming. EVERYONE will be encouraged and no one will be made to feel like a failure. The goal will be efforts and the pounds should take care of themselves! And MFP is going to be instrumental in meeting the individual goal of effort and will help us to support each other during the week as we will be MFP friends! It will be interesting to see how this goes but I think it will be successful. After all, anyone who works toward better health should get their Just Desserts! Will let you all know how it goes!


  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    Sounds like a lovely idea. Good luck!
  • lisa9805
    lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
    it's a great idea. you are right with success. weekly weigh ins and meet ups support more then doing it on your own. this is why i like this site.