Staying Active in an Office



  • Burger2066
    Burger2066 Posts: 126 Member
    I work in an office and hate sitting still. I'm on the 16th floor, so I'll go walk the stairs a few times a day to keep moving. And I drink around a gallon and a half of water while I'm here, so that causes me to take some additional steps. But we've also got a gym here that I use during my lunch break.
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Twice a day, I go climb the stairs for 5 minutes!
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    I might do stairs during lunch sometime. Assuming my bra is sufficient for that movement lol!
  • missbossypants
    missbossypants Posts: 42 Member
    I purchased a second-hand Gaiam ball chair with a base, backrest and wheels. I turn on some music and find myself bouncing and toe-tapping for most of the day! It really engages the core and back muscles, so even though my fitbit doesn't log steps, I know that I'm working something!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't stay active in my office, I stay active outside of work. I will do little things like take the stairs and I park further away from the building, get up to talk to co-workers instead of emailing them, etc...but really, I make time pretty much daily for dedicated exercise and stay as generally active as possible when I'm not at weekends are filled with all kinds of fun and active things which is good for me and good for my 3 and 5 y.o.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I keep a resistance band in my desk. At lunch time I close my office door and get in a little workout: lunges, squats, push ups, supermans, curls and tricep extensions. Other days I do yoga. I also get up and move frequently. I take the stairs whenever possible. All of these little things add up.
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sit on an exercise ball at your desk for 15-30 min sessions.

    Buy a monitor stand so you can stand-up more.

    Drop down and do some push-ups whenever you feel like it.

  • gibbeylea
    gibbeylea Posts: 4 Member
    I work 72 hours a week and got sick of all the sitting. At my office day job I rigged a DIY standing desk with milk crates and try to work at least half the day standing, I set a timer for every 45 - 60 mins and get up and move - I go up and down the stairs twice and do one circuit of a 7 minute fitness app in the bathroom lol (I do sub out some of the exercises, I'm not about to do push ups on a bathroom floor lol but I figure as long as I am moving it counts) . I think if some people can spend 5-10 mins every hour smoking I can spend the same on something better for me....
    So far I am up to 6 circuits and 12 flights climbed a day and thats in addition to my daily work out. It feels good!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    My building is one big maze and it has many steps, so about every hour to hour and a half, I'll walk that. I always take the steps, never the elevator unless I have something that cannot be transported by stairs. I use the bathroom that's 3-4 flights way from my office. I get water from the furthest water fountain. I use the microwave that's furthest away from my office. Basically, if there is an option between using what's closest to my office or furthest from my office, I always choose the furthest option.