


  • Melzine
    Melzine Posts: 187 Member
    Check out the Farmers Almanac on line they have great stuff and the Dollar Store usually sells it like for example Utter cream
  • kloek22
    kloek22 Posts: 2 Member
    Both my son and my mother have ecczema and a bit of psoriasis (i.e. persistent ongoing problem with dry flaky skin) on their hands - I bought the Lady Soma Skin Nail Cream for them and it cleared up within a week! Skin is now clear and healthy.
  • mmmpork
    mmmpork Posts: 133 Member
    I'm a swimmer and my skin is always dry from the pool. I use Vaseline on my face because it doesn't clog pores and also when my feet and hands get really really dry. I also use Lubriderm unscented as a general all over body moisturizer, it's very light and seems to work ok for minor skin dryness. I've also found that my skin dryness has improved once I started taking a Cod Liver Oil supplement that's high in Vitamin A. I find that things like coconut oil and shea butter just sit on top of your skin and don't really do a good job of moisturizing. Also when washing your hands, you don't need to use soap (unless you've got something really bad on your hands like dog poop). I have really sensitive skin and can't tolerate the soaps in most bathrooms so I just rub my hands really thoroughly under warm running water.
  • mmmpork
    mmmpork Posts: 133 Member
    Oh wait, just read the part where you work in a medical center lol. I just thought you were OCD about washing your hands in general haha. Maybe you can find an alternative soap that won't irritate your hands, like Kiss My Face (it's made with Olive Oil and is very gentle) or even just baby shampoo.