weight gain

I'm so frustrated and want to through in the towel, I'm exercising and eating right and yet I've gained weight. I've been told it could be water weight and I'm gaining muscles. I know I need to be patient but I've been working really hard and want to see results. My plan was to lose slow and steady (2 pounds a weeks) I didn't expect to gain with the amount of exercise and diet that I'm doing. I wish there was a button so you could hear me scream my frustration. lol


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    How much have you gained? Over how long of a period?
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    It's unlikely that you'll gain muscle while in a calorie deficit. Losing 2 lbs/week is not slow and steady; its fast (maybe too fast, depending on how much you want to lose in total). Nine pounds in one month is great (possibly too much, depending on how much you want to lose in total). Weight loss is not linear.
    As for the rest of your post, more information is required. Are you weighing your food? Are you logging everything? How much have you gained and over what time frame?
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    According to your ticker you are only trying to lose a very small amount of weight (less than 10 pounds). Losing 2 pounds per week would set you at a 1000 calorie deficit daily, and highly unlikely to sustain on such low calories. Best bet is to set your loss goals to 1/2 pound per week, get a digital food scale (if you don't already have one), weigh all solids, measure all liquids. Tighten up your logging and it will come, slowly, but surely. :)
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Are you sure you are accurately logging your calories in and monitoring your calories out? I took a peek at your diary and yesterday's entry indicated that you'd earned over 2000 additional calories from exercise. This seems like a lot of earned exercise calories. Given your earned exercise calories, you may be overestimating your calorie burns.

    For logging food, are you using a food scale to make sure your calories are accurate? In your diary some of the entries are in grams, but some of the entries are not (like 0.5 of a cookie or 1 serving of butter chicken). If you aren't weighing your food to get the closest calorie count calculation as possible, it is likely you are eating more calories than you think.

    So it's probably a combo of eating more calories than you think you are, and burning less calories than you think you are. I would try to tighten up my food logging first to get a better picture of how many calories you are eating. As for exercise, if you are using the MFP database to estimate calorie burns I've noticed that the estimated calories seem very high. Also, you could try not eating back all of your exercise calories, maybe cut back to eating back half of those calories to see if that makes a difference.

    Also, like others said, 2 lbs a week isn't slow and steady, it's actually quite aggressive, so perhaps lowering your goal to 1 lb per week would be a more sustainable way for you to lose. Also, whenever I get discouraged I always try to remember that I didn't put on this weight in a few weeks, so it's going to take more than a few weeks to get it off again.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I'm so frustrated and want to through in the towel, I'm exercising and eating right and yet I've gained weight. I've been told it could be water weight and I'm gaining muscles. I know I need to be patient but I've been working really hard and want to see results. My plan was to lose slow and steady (2 pounds a weeks) I didn't expect to gain with the amount of exercise and diet that I'm doing. I wish there was a button so you could hear me scream my frustration. lol

    Two pounds a week is a lot, not slow and steady. I'm very short with not much to lose so I have MFP set to lose .5 per week.
  • mariaspooner
    mariaspooner Posts: 9 Member
    everything is weighed, measured. I've been entering my own recipes, which I find informative and helpful. My form of exercise is snowshoeing on untracked terrain. on Tuesday did 2 and half hours and on Wednesday 3 hours which turned out to be 10 km. On Sunday I weighed myself and I was 168 this morning I was 170. Took me by surprise.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. It's not reasonable to expect the scale to go down every day or every week. My weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds from day to day. It's not fat, it's not muscle. Try an app that tracks weight trends to help you understand these fluctuations and be less frustrated. Like happy scale or trending. Hang in there--it'll work!