Female wanting muscle and a plan

thevegetariana Posts: 3 Member
So I successfully used mfp to lose weight. I surpassed my goal of 120, maintained at 112.5, missed my boobs and have been maintaining between 115-120 for a while. I eat at a deficit (1650) during the week and pretty much free reign on the weekends. I'm 5'2.

Now I am lifting heavy with strong lifts and want to gain muscle. So I need a surplus. Should I run a bulk this close to summer? Recomp until fall and then bulk? I eat about 90 grams of vegetarian protein a day. I have some mental blocks about exceeding 120 but with a clear plan in place, I think I will be able to do what is necessary to reach my physical goals. Any advice? Thanks!


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Do you want to gain weight the rest of winter and spring? If you do, do the bulk.

    I recomped most of last year and did not get very far. I ended up doing a 12 week bulk October - Dec and now I am cutting for spring. Recomp is good for maintaining and although you get results, it is soooooooooooo slow and can be frustrating.

    I recomped because I was afraid of weight gain, and oh was I so wrong about the bulk and cut. It is a personal preference but sometimes you got to try it. It was an interesting journey and will use it to maintain in the future but not make total body transformations any more.
  • thevegetariana
    thevegetariana Posts: 3 Member
    I guess spring would have been a better description than summer. Bikini weather starts around May here. Is this too short of a time period to bulk and cut? Do I just aim for .5 lb a week gain until my clothes don't fit? Can I still eat more on the weekends than the week or is it better to distribute the calories more evenly?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I guess spring would have been a better description than summer. Bikini weather starts around May here. Is this too short of a time period to bulk and cut? Do I just aim for .5 lb a week gain until my clothes don't fit? Can I still eat more on the weekends than the week or is it better to distribute the calories more evenly?

    So do you have a lifting plan? If so what is it and will it take you to building the mass you want lets say 8 weeks and then cut for 6 weeks? Do you know what you want to gain?

    And what is this question about eating more on weekends? Are you banking calories during the week to indulge on weekends now while in maintenance?

    I think a carefully laid plan here is in order but you could do a mini bulk and cut, but if this is your first time, I would map this out very carefully.

  • thevegetariana
    thevegetariana Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I'm doing Stronglift 5x5. I'm not sure how to set a goal of how much mass I want to gain.

    Yes, banking calories would be a good description. I eat at a deficit (1650) during the week and pretty much free reign on the weekends to maintain.

    I agree I need help formulating a plan. I don't want to just keep spinning my wheels!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited February 2016
    For your weight and height 100g of protein in should be plenty. It's the carbs and excess calories that are the building blocks to muscle gain.
    Recomp, eat at maintenance and get your lifting form to a good level. Bulk in autumn over thanksgiving and Christmas then start your cut in January.

    I'd say distribute your calories more evenly, as you are making muscle and recovering on the inbetween days from lifting.
    Want a blow out on Saturday night? Make Saturday morning a running day, just make sure you eat back calories and don't get in the way of muscle recovery.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    i think stronglifts is a strength program not a muscle building program, there is a difference. for muscle building you want to be in a different rep range. If you are gonna invest effort into it, make sure you have the right lifting program for what you want. And regardless of what plan, dont expect to put on a lot of mass in one or two seasons, it takes girls many years, many bulks and cuts to put on a few pounds of muscle.