Havent lost a thing!!!!!



    RAREBIRDART Posts: 100 Member
    Also for work is smart ones ok lol???? Im also thinking for breakfast ill start having a scrambled egg sandwich

    No. In my personal opinion -- the sodium in of those things averages almost HALF of what your salt intake should be for the day. Sodium will make you retain water, and make you "higher" on the scale than you should be.

    My boyfriend and I make food for the week on Sunday night and make it every morning before we head to work. Preparing for the week is key. good luck!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Eat your veggies and cook your own food. Stop eating crap.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    yea 1200 is tuff lol... i will be going up on my calories to 1500. now if i excercise should i eat the calories back?

    and what do yall mean by processed foods?

    I only used 1200 as an example. What I meant is, 400 calorie meal filled with packaged fake food is not the same as a 400 calorie meal filled with lean protien, healthy carbs and fruits and vegetables. Processed foods are what you mainly have been eating. Fish sticks, chicken nuggets, donuts, boxed pasta meals, etc. You need to bag all that stuff. Real chicken, real fish, and dishes with real ingredients. You can still eat all kinds of tasty stuff but it has to be real food. It took me a while to figure this out but until I did I didn't lose much weight.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    yea 1200 is tuff lol... i will be going up on my calories to 1500. now if i excercise should i eat the calories back?

    and what do yall mean by processed foods?

    Yes you should eat MOST of your exercise calories, MFP and machines vastly overesitmate just how many calories are burnt so only eat about 60-70% back.

    Processed food for me anything not it its raw state, I even count tinned food processed but I draw the line at frozen fruit and veg!
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    Processed foods are canned, boxed and bagged.

    The diet plan I am doing is called the Anti-Inflammatory Diet. There is a food pyramid - mostly veggies/fruits, some grains, non-dairy milks, nuts, etc. Check it out. The author is Dr. Andrew Weil.

    My blood pressure has gone down along with the weight! I am down a size or two in my clothes already! I am feeling more energic and gaining self esteem back.
  • deevalentine
    deevalentine Posts: 10 Member
    After a week, I jumped on the scale just to notice that i hadnt lost a thing. Naturally I was hurt, and slightly bothered. But i didnt give up! I reminded myself that its only been a week... But now it has been 10 days, and of course i have learned more about my calorie intake, and I have literally been excercising like crazy everyday.
    I must admit that i am now scared to go near the scale, lol However, every day i tend to see comments by mfp friends saying that they have lost more weight and rather then being discouraged by this, I am choosing to let it motivate me. I tell myself some day this will be me!
    I plan to wait at least a few more weeks before i even attempt to weigh in again....Its hard, but id rather do that then to be disappointed again. Although i dont see any drastic changes when i look in the mirror, I feel lighter and better so i know i must be doing something right!
    So my advice to others that have been eating right, working out and haven't seen any weight loss yet is: forget about the scale for awhile!!! Keep working out and eating right! Your hard work is going to pay off! Just dont give up and last but not least; Keep those fantasies about how good your'e going to look and lets be friends and encourage each other to the end!! :happy:
  • deevalentine
    deevalentine Posts: 10 Member
  • rjd9266
    rjd9266 Posts: 15
    After a week, I jumped on the scale just to notice that i hadnt lost a thing. Naturally I was hurt, and slightly bothered. But i didnt give up! I reminded myself that its only been a week... But now it has been 10 days, and of course i have learned more about my calorie intake, and I have literally been excercising like crazy everyday.
    I must admit that i am now scared to go near the scale, lol However, every day i tend to see comments by mfp friends saying that they have lost more weight and rather then being discouraged by this, I am choosing to let it motivate me. I tell myself some day this will be me!
    I plan to wait at least a few more weeks before i even attempt to weigh in again....Its hard, but id rather do that then to be disappointed again. Although i dont see any drastic changes when i look in the mirror, I feel lighter and better so i know i must be doing something right!
    So my advice to others that have been eating right, working out and haven't seen any weight loss yet is: forget about the scale for awhile!!! Keep working out and eating right! Your hard work is going to pay off! Just dont give up and last but not least; Keep those fantasies about how good your'e going to look and lets be friends and encourage each other to the end!! :happy:

    I moved to another state for my summer job, and didn't bring my scale with me for this very reason! It's so easy to get discouraged and give up, its happened to me too many times before and I am determined to not undermine myself anymore. So I'm just focusing on being healthy and hoping the weight does what its supposed to....leaves!!
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Some good advice in this thread, a lot of bad. When it comes down to it, calories in<calories out=weight loss. Doesn't matter where your calories come from. Sure you'll feel a lot more satiated and healthy eating healthy food, but bottom line is if your body burns 2000 calories and you eat 1500 calories of anything, let's say twinkies, you will be losing weight. See, eg, twinkie diet: http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html

    I went back in your diary more than a week--prior to June 22, your logging is spotty at best. Quick adds, empty meal entries, etc. If you haven't lost any weight, it's because you're eating more than you think and/or burning less than you think. Restaurant calories vary wildly from location to location. Think of the percentage of food you eat that you don't prepare yourself. You can't know for sure how many calories you're actually eating.

    The best way to nail down how much you're eating is to prepare your own meals at home. Buy a food scale and weigh everything you eat. When you go over your calories for the day, record it anyway. Changing your diet will help your satiety and energy levels, but healthy foods don't magically make you lose weight any more than packaged fish sticks.
  • nmiller0813
    nmiller0813 Posts: 109
    smn gave you the best advice out of everyone on this site. You have spotty logging, so it is really hard to tell. From my standpoint, (and I have only been at it seriously, for about 6 1/2 months), you have to be meticulous with your tracking. Even if it is a spat of butter that you use to stir fry your vegatables in, shoud be entered.

    Also, I make it a habit to eat and drink something within 1 hour of waking so to make sure that it kick starts my metabolism. That seems to work and it helps to keep me regular.

    It doesn't appear that you are drinking enough fluids, that could be because you are not tracking your fluid intake. If you are ONLY eating 1200 calories and you are exercising regularly, then you are not eating enough. Eat back some of your exercise calories, not all of them, but with lean protein to help your muscles.

    Don't give up and find some friends on here that will give you the support and advice that you need to help you stay on track!

    Much sucess to you!
  • j724mecham
    j724mecham Posts: 102 Member
    Duplicate the idea of your Monday June 24th diary. You should probably be around 1400 calories. However, you're having the same struggle as me. I love fast food (not the after affect), but I am also a picky eater. I'll always want a chicken sandwich from take-out than actually make my own. I think it's ridiculous that so many people talk about how MFP is a lifestyle change and not a diet, then cram you for eating take-out and pizza.
    Should you reduce going out? Yes, but if you can.
    Some people just eat a lot of take-out and that's fine. But try choosing lower sodium/carb items. Don't feel like opening your diary is bad. You eat what you eat and if it's a lifestyle change, then it's about choosing healthier options not completely avoiding things. So getting grilled instead of crispy chicken or a salad or hard tacos from Taco Bell or just planning ahead as much as you can.
  • phw426
    phw426 Posts: 92 Member
    you say net calories of 1200 is what you eat...how many calories are you eating a day total
  • I was in your same shoes...eating lean cusine and smart ones and not really eating much at all...I just couldn't lose a pound. I decided to try to only grocery shop on the outside aisles of the store one trip. I filled my cart with so many fruits and veggies and fresh food. I tried cooking it different ways (because I never liked veggies) and lo and behold, I found ways I liked them. Not to mention, I felt soooo much better. I do have a smrt ones every now and again but they are not nearly as filling as my stir fry or other leftovers I could bring in. Eating at a defict is not enough, your body craves healthy good foods and once you start giving your body those foods you will feel so much better! And I would guess that the scale will start to move too :)
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    I think this just answered my frustration at not losing. Not the processed foods, but a lot of high starchy foods- andnot actually a great deal of intake on some days. Thanks!