stuck at 170 - need advice

Hey everyone! I could really use some advice here. I've been stuck at 170 pounds for at least three months now, even though I've been sticking to calories and exercising regularly. I'm 24 years old and 5'2". I just can't get past this. I was concerned that maybe I wasn't consuming enough calories, so three weeks ago I moved from 1200 to 1500, but besides an increase in muscle mass in my arms, I haven't lost any weight or seen additional changes. This week I thought I would try to increase my protein intake, but everything is such an experiment and I'm afraid of gaining. Advice please?!


  • magnum26
    magnum26 Posts: 356 Member
    You didn't mention if you do any exercise?
  • LMLinny1899
    I exercise regularly. A combination of zumba, running and strength training classes.
  • zshonna
    zshonna Posts: 1
    I with you LMLinny1899 - I am "stuck", too..again. Right before I hit the lost 20lbs mark, I got stuck. The only thing that helped me get over the 20lbs mark was helping with building a new deck for my mom. I do not know if it was because my body was "used to" the exercises I was doing and by doing something different with my muscles made the difference or what. But, now I am stuck again, I have changed up my exercise routine, because I don't have another deck to build, to see if that will make a difference. I will see in a couple of days (hopefully),
  • cath14967
    cath14967 Posts: 27
    i agree with zshonna the last time i got stuck i changed the type of exercise i was going and the weight started to shift again. :smile:
  • naterciarodrigues58
    naterciarodrigues58 Posts: 105 Member
    I believe it's normal for you to not loose if you're gaining muscle - remember muscle weighs more than fat. Up the proteins, and keep the exercise, and see what happens. Don't be affraid of gaining, juts keep track of your weight and if you don't see the results you want change what you are doing.
  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 209 Member
    If you are gaining muscle mass that may be contributing to the scale not moving. Are you taking measurements and finding out if your body fat percentage is decreasing? Another thing to think about is whether or not your are measuring your food properly because you may be eating more than you realize. You don't really need exercise at all to lose weight as long as you're eating at a deficit. Of course that doesn't mean you shouldn't.
  • mrsgrimmer
    For me, food was hindering my progress. I was not being completly accurate in recording my intake. It's hard to enter home made foods. Plus, I was not eating the right portions. I read in a magazine that 1/2 of your plate (9 inch plate) should be non starchy veggies, 1/4 carbs, and 1/4 protein/4 oz (lean meats). After reading that, I realized that I was eating too much protein. Also, the meat I was eating was not "lean." And, I was also eating too many carbs, and not enough veggies. I've changed the way I eat and have started shedding pounds again. I hope this helps, good luck!