Mother of the Bride slim down

Finally stopped making excuses. Yes I am over 50 and weight loss is not going to be as easy as it was in the past. I have a new challenge with the older ladies accumulated belly fat. I have always been active but sometimes life happens and you forget who you are. Ice cream comfort food and sugar addiction told hold of my life.
I always thought at 160lbs that I needed to lose a few lb when I was younger., but when I peaked at 204lb at my mature age (I blame metabolism slow down ). I need to get my life back. Started 29 Jan and down 6lbs. Lots of hard work! I am locked in now passed the mark of no turning back. Learning how to make my 51 year old metabolism wake up and smell the Burn! My Daughter gets Married in Sept and my goal is to be able to look at her wedding photos and focus on how beautiful she looks and not what a fat slob I look like.