Back At It!

Two months ago I got fed up. My weight had crept back over 240lb again. Actually my weight has fluctuated pretty consistently somewhere between 225lb-245lb since mid 2010. Which is kinda sad because I had previously gone from over 250lb (2004) to 176lb (2007). (42" pants to 33" pants.) That was accomplished with calorie counting and regular exercise. Despite my extra weight I'm actually way more active than the last time I was fat in my early 20s. For a few years now I cycle to work year round, up to 125km a week. I play paintball regularly. Do plenty of house & yard work.

Why am I still fat? Heck, why am I getting fatter?

I know why, my vice is liquid calories. It's the cola and especially the booze. Drink beer, get the munchies... every other night. Bad cycle. So I switched back to diet cola, cut back on the booze, and started counting calories again.

I've lost 12.8lb in exactly 2 months. Yeah! Still got another 31lb to hit 200lb but it feels good just having my clothes be less tight on me. :)

Long term goal is to be at a healthy weight again but short term goal is to lose enough inches that I need to buy new shorts for this summer. :)


  • powercycle
    powercycle Posts: 22 Member
    Update time: It's almost 4 years later...

    I quit drinking booze entirely for mental health reasons in April 2017. One side effect was losing more weight. Down to 202lbs by December 2017. Down almost 40lbs over 2 years! Almost to my goal!

    And then my mental health crashed in 2018.... Four months off work sick & minimal exercise which led to regaining some of the weight. Been stable in the 215-220lbs range since then.

    Still cycle to work. Regular exercise isn't my issue. My diet though... could be better... much better.

    Hopefully 2020 is a better year health wise.
  • jeagogo
    jeagogo Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome back again! I feel you on the gaining weight while being active. I was happily hovering in a slightly overweight zone for a couple years, dealing with depression and then a new job. When I got back into getting active and going to the gym last summer I actually ended up gaining weight because I was eating way too much despite the exercise. When it got to the point that clothes weren't fitting I realized I had to get exercise and nutrition on the same page.

    You got this!