ounces in weight or volume?

When looking through the database, we don't always get the option to choose the measurements. It can be ounces or cups or tablespoons or pounds. While 16 ounces = 2 cups = 32 tablespoons = 1 pound...is this always the case with ounces? Can I weigh dressing in ounces the same way I weigh cheese? Are there foods to look out for to always measure in volume rather than weight?


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Weight. It will specify fluid ounces if that's the case. 16oz of bricks will take up less space than 16oz of feathers.
  • adamgottlob
    adamgottlob Posts: 36 Member
    So 16 ounces does not necessarily = 16 fluid ounces...unless of course if it is a fluid :-/ I guess if the "fluid" is more of a chunky dressing, then problems start to occur. I get into trouble because I try to estimate how many ounces something looks like (from a restaurant, for example) when it really won't be correct in ounces unless I weigh it, as you pointed out.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    So 16 ounces does not necessarily = 16 fluid ounces...unless of course if it is a fluid :-/ I guess if the "fluid" is more of a chunky dressing, then problems start to occur. I get into trouble because I try to estimate how many ounces something looks like (from a restaurant, for example) when it really won't be correct in ounces unless I weigh it, as you pointed out.
    Even if it is a fluid, the density of that fluid can vary. Put water and oil in a cup if you want to see what I mean. If you're estimating, estimate the volume.