I don't understand net calories

Hi guys,

I'm new here. I've been in anorexia and bulimia recovery for a very long time.

I started tracking Cals again because I have gained recently. I've had a binge day this week, as well as a day with a few parties so I overate then too plus alcohol.

I had 2 days which, combined, I ate more than 2500 calories over my TDEE :'( but the app says my weekly net calories for the week were 1230 but it also says I overate? What??

Essentially I'm not good with maths and don't know if my efforts to cancel out these 2 days of overeating over the course of one week have worked. Can someone interpret this information for me? I can't tell :(

I am in an ed clinic (Was inpatient - now I do outpatient 3 days a week) so I do not know my exact weight, although going by the way my clothes fit it's probably around 53-55kg, which is a BMI of around 19 or 20. I struggle to maintain a weight this high and it looks unnatural on my frame. I look normal at 17.


  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Just an FYI...any time you consume alcohol, you shut down fat burning and go into fat storage mode for 48-72 hours while your liver is busy full time trying to detoxify.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Sweetie, you need to ask these questions to your treatment team.

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    We can't see your diary, so this will be a generalisation.

    "Net calories" = calories you ate minus calories you burned on logged exercise.

    If your net calories for a week were 1230 is that per day ? What's your goal calorie intake before exercise - if it was say 1400 and your net was 1230 then you under-ate by 170.