Anybody else goin throu mid life crisis ???



  • MRSLJ1975
    MRSLJ1975 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi Lisa, I'm Daniela from US and I'm with you girl! lol... I turned 40 in September and find myself thinking .... wait... what happened to my 30's?? So focused on having and raising kids that the years just have seemed to fly by.

    Same Hunni
  • Beehappybaby
    Beehappybaby Posts: 43 Member
    "Growing old is inevitable; growing up is optional! " of my favorite quotes! Ive just turned 40 last month. And have had hot pink. Silver. Blue and purple hair in the last six months! The hubby and kids definitely think im having a mid life crisis :-D setting myself some goals and things I want to do. Tough mudder is on the cards ..although..only stepped back in the gym today after a year! Probably mental but who cares!!!! x
  • Sniper_Chick
    Sniper_Chick Posts: 1,703 Member
    Well I am 48 and I have to say I have enjoyed my 40's I do so much more now than I did when I was younger. There is no such thing as being to old.. It is all just a number. You are what you let yourself be, so enjoy every min of it!!
  • MRSLJ1975
    MRSLJ1975 Posts: 309 Member
    "Growing old is inevitable; growing up is optional! " of my favorite quotes! Ive just turned 40 last month. And have had hot pink. Silver. Blue and purple hair in the last six months! The hubby and kids definitely think im having a mid life crisis :-D setting myself some goals and things I want to do. Tough mudder is on the cards ..although..only stepped back in the gym today after a year! Probably mental but who cares!!!! x

    U go girl