Looking for a fitness/weight loss buddy with 80+ pounds to go

Hello everyone!

After trying, and trying, and trying again to lose weight, I've been slightly more successful this time around. Since new years I've gone down about 8 pounds. However, I've gone up a few pounds this week. Part of the reason for this is I never feel motivated to track my food or exercise. None of my family is very supportive so I'm kind of on my own for this one. I'd like to find another person (or few people) that have alot of weight to lose and we can help motivate each other. We could monitor each others' food and exercise log and make sure we're on the right track.

If this is something you'd like to be apart of, just comment below with something about yourself! I'll start:

My name is Elizabeth Des Jardin. I am getting married soon to my wonderful fiance, Eleanor. I weigh 200 pounds (give or take) and my goal is to be 115 roughly. I play MtG, Hearthstone, and Dragon Age (1-3). I love to read; I am currently reading Game of Thrones. I collect Squishables (Here's the website). I plan on attended culinary school withing the next few years since cooking and baking is my passion!


  • LadyValacri
    LadyValacri Posts: 17 Member
    I'd like to keep in contact through MFP/email/or texting. Whatever works best!
  • Alysia82
    Alysia82 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello I'm reaching out if your still looking. My names Alysia. My wife and I have a 2 year old. I'm on a journey to lose 100 pounds
  • nurse_nurse
    nurse_nurse Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I would LOVE to lose 80lbs! That is exactly my goal. My name is Erica, Im from Colorado. I've been on and off the MFP wagon, but Im ready to recommit. I recently started doing plexus and have noticed a huge drop in my appetite/cravings, so tomorrow (gotta get through V-Day!) Im going to begin clean eating. Current weight around 262, goal of 180.

    Little about me, Im 33, single mom to 3 little girls. Im a nurse, so I know a lot about nutrition but struggle with over-eating. I would describe myself as a hippie, I love alternative health. Also pretty geeky. Love me some game of thrones but I need to get caught up on the last season. Taking a florida vacation in April, thats my huge motivator right now!
  • Alysia82
    Alysia82 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello! I would LOVE to lose 80lbs! That is exactly my goal. My name is Erica, Im from Colorado. I've been on and off the MFP wagon, but Im ready to recommit. I recently started doing plexus and have noticed a huge drop in my appetite/cravings, so tomorrow (gotta get through V-Day!) Im going to begin clean eating. Current weight around 262, goal of 180.

    Little about me, Im 33, single mom to 3 little girls. Im a nurse, so I know a lot about nutrition but struggle with over-eating. I would describe myself as a hippie, I love alternative health. Also pretty geeky. Love me some game of thrones but I need to get caught up on the last season. Taking a florida vacation in April, thats my huge motivator right now!

    I sent you a friend request
  • Alysia82
    Alysia82 Posts: 67 Member
    I'd like to keep in contact through MFP/email/or texting. Whatever works best!

    I sent you a friend request

  • briwashington5
    briwashington5 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! My goal is to lose 80 lbs. My name is Brittany, I'm from Texas. I've been apart of MFP since August. Lost about 30 lbs so far, still have a ways to go. Current weight is 209, want to get to 180.
    Not a lot of me, I'm 26, pre school teacher, youngest of 3.
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 301 Member
    Same boat and would love more company to row this damn boat with. Idk how to add ppl on my phone so feel free to add me if u know how and want to!
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    I'm looking to lose around 100 pounds too. I recently started taking Plexus too! I do Tri-Plex and it's working pretty well for me so far. I'm determined to stick to everything this time because the last visit to my doctor was pretty disheartening. All of my levels and numbers came back fine but she told me someone my size is pretty much guaranteed to have a cardiac event in their lifetime... that's a wake up call. That's when I started Plexus and when I went back to monitoring my food, eating healthier and trying to get on a better lifestyle path.
  • LadyValacri
    LadyValacri Posts: 17 Member
    Hello! I would LOVE to lose 80lbs! That is exactly my goal. My name is Erica, Im from Colorado. I've been on and off the MFP wagon, but Im ready to recommit. I recently started doing plexus and have noticed a huge drop in my appetite/cravings, so tomorrow (gotta get through V-Day!) Im going to begin clean eating. Current weight around 262, goal of 180.

    Little about me, Im 33, single mom to 3 little girls. Im a nurse, so I know a lot about nutrition but struggle with over-eating. I would describe myself as a hippie, I love alternative health. Also pretty geeky. Love me some game of thrones but I need to get caught up on the last season. Taking a florida vacation in April, thats my huge motivator right now!

    I'm taking a trip in July-August and it has been my motivator too! I don't know how much I can lose by then but here's to hoping!

    I have a huge over eating problem too! It's my main struggle.
  • philiesgrl22
    philiesgrl22 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello All!!!

    This is exactly what I was looking for. I currently need to lose 125 pounds.

    My name is Sky. I've also been on and off this wagon for years, but I'm ready to make those life changes, but would like some help!! A little more about me: I'm a HS Geometry teacher, and also a Graduate Student. I live alone, so staying accountable is hard. I'm really looking for someone/some people to become good friends with and help stay on track, and get to that better life.

    If anyone would like to friend me, feel free!
  • angfirst
    angfirst Posts: 47 Member
    Hello! My name is Ang, and my goal it to lose about 100 more pounds (currently down 44 so far since I started; 33 according to mfp since I didn't hear about this app until after I started my journey).

    A little about me:
    I am 34 years old. I am married and have one daughter.
    I love to travel, although my budget prevents me from traveling as much as I'd like to. :)
    I am an avid reader.
    I try to be as "green" as possible.
  • beeglad27
    beeglad27 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! I am actually looking to lose about 20-25 pounds! I hope it's not too late to join! I am about 180 and i'm looking to be 155-160. i'm restarting today after falling off pretty bad, but i'm back to eating healthy!
  • Hi my name is Kristen and I have been on this journey on and off, but I have committed to not give up. I have lost 9lbs since January so that isn't bad but as all of you, I want it to fall of immediately because I am working out everyday and logging my food religiously! I have 70 lbs. Still to go and I really need the motivation to get there. I just bought a scale for my food to see if that helps. Would love to be added:) Good luck!
  • luv2bowl6
    luv2bowl6 Posts: 62 Member
    My name is Mandi and I have about 50-60 LBS to go. I started on my weight loss journey when my best friend asked me be a bridesmaid in her wedding in august in Florida . I started out at 207 and down to 194. Add me if you would like!!
  • Karen1370SC
    Karen1370SC Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen and I'm from Michigan. Looks like there are several of us who would like to lose 50 pounds or more. In my case it's because I'm diabetic and don't want to go on medication. Been successful so far and dr says that if my next A1c check comes back good I'll only have to go in every 6 months.
  • storytelinor
    storytelinor Posts: 245 Member
    Hi everyone! Looking around the threads, I think this may be the best place for me, although I don't know if I want to lose as much as 80lbs... Right now I'm thinking in terms of feeling better, getting back some strength and endurance, and making sure I can fit in my shorts come summer!

    My name is Elinor, I'm 31 and currently 242lbs. My first goal is to get down to 220, a weight I have felt good at in the past, but eventually I would love to be under 200, which I haven't been since junior high.

    I am a performer (singing, acting and dancing when I'm given the chance!), but I am currently working as a nanny before I move this summer. I love running around with my niece, reading (mostly fantasy and historical fiction) and seeing films.

    Like someone before, I'm not sure how to add friends, so if you are interested in connecting with me, feel free to reach out! Regardless, best of luck to all!
  • brookej8688
    brookej8688 Posts: 93 Member
    SW: 240
    I still have a long long way to go, and would love for you to add me, or anyone else who needs accountability partners feel free to add me
  • kasterrett
    kasterrett Posts: 53 Member
    Hi! I love Squishables. I have like ten! And I used to play MTG and do FNM but it fell off my radar when I started having kids :) I have 120 to lose or so, I'd love to be friends here, and if you decide to friend me we can chitchat over text too. I'm super active here on MFP with my friends feed.

    (Also anyone is welcome to friend me!)
  • Mandee92sable
    Mandee92sable Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! My Name is Amanda. I'm wanting to lose 140lbs to get to my goal weight. I would love to have someone who has the same goal of losing weight. I have very support but not the kind I need. My boyfriend eats all the time and never gains a pound. He tries to help me but he has no ideal what I'm going through and isn't much help. I would love to gain a friend out of this with stuff in common but also share the weight loss factor. I'm a gamer who plays all sorts of things. I also have my own library in my home with around 200 books. I'm wanting to go to school to design video games. I'm also even writing my own book right now. Any way to keep in contact is fine. Just need some help maybe make a competition out of how many steps we take a day. Something to make weight loss a bit more fun.
  • JusSlim
    JusSlim Posts: 33 Member
    I have 30lbs to lose but I'll love to keep in touch for inspiration...