I have been binge eating for two weeks

as the title says I've been binging for about two weeks, eating far beyond calories upwards to 3-5k a day
I was intentionally trying to gain weight as I was pretty underweight and suffering with an eating disorder I'm so drugged out on anti depressants ( which are making me super hungry 24/7 ) to think rationally about what I am eating!!

I went from 130 lb to 140 apparently to the scale and I'm on the verge of a meltdown.


  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I think you need to talk to whichever doctor prescribed you your anti-depressants and either lower the dose and/or get some therapy sessions mixed in to your treatment plan. I don't think you will improve with drugs alone, you need to tackle the root cause of your disorder.