Did my relationship make me fat?

HA! I know the real answer to this question is NO.....and YES!

Hello everyone! My name is Judy and I gained 50 pounds after my, then, 12 year relationship took a turn for the worse (that's when it began). In the past 7 years, I gained 50 pounds (yes, my relationship lasted 19 years). I was always about 120 lbs., give or take 5. Yes, the relationship lasted for another 7 years, due to children, dogs, homes, market crashes, love, and other factors we will not go into for the purpose of this discussion. I have two children, 20 years apart, and one is already grown and living on his own. The other is my right hand man!

I have heard it said that stress can cause weight gain....I think it's a proven fact! I suppose in the lucky people, it can cause weight loss... But for me, I used food as my comfort, and I ain't talkin' salads and celery sticks!

Now that I'm on a positive track, I can now focus on me again (and of course, my little one)! In my first weigh in, I have lost 5 pounds. I now have piece of mind and direction. No matter how much I faked it on the outside, I was not happy on the inside, and it showed in the way of gained weight.

Of course, I believe that you must stay motivated to have continued success....AND NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU! I believe in total accountability, no matter what the title of my discussion says!! It IS nice, though, to have positive and motivated friends along the way. Anyone can please feel free to add me to your friends list.

That's just a little bit about me! Now to hear from you!

I wish you ALL the BEST SUCCESS!


  • Floridaman789
    Floridaman789 Posts: 109 Member
    Yes it's up to use to change things if we want to be healthy it's up to us. We are the only one who can do it. We have to do it for ourselves not anyone else. Stress will make us unhealthy glad your getting healthy. We all need support and encouragement. Feel free to ad me.
  • lookingoodgirl7
    lookingoodgirl7 Posts: 5 Member
    @Floridaman789 thank you for your support. :)