Can't exercise with arthritis in my legs. Only aquatic therapy

I use to exercise daily, however now that I had a right knee replacement, it has been very difficult. Now my left knee has to be replaced. I cannot exercise on land without being in pain. I can only exercise in aquatics Therapy. ( In water) I don't think it is helping me and in cold weather I'm always in pain. It's getting harder to walk up and down my stairs. I'm thinking about weight lose surgery. This is so depending and it's hard for my family to understand how much I physically and mentally suffer from not being able to do the things I use to do. I can't walk nor sit to long with pain,swelling and stiffness. Now I have lower back pain. I am so sick of doctor's. I feel like giving up sometime but I won't.


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Can you use an exercise bike on very low resistance? Do you have a gym with a pool near you? I have taken water walking and aqua aerobics classes that were very intense but easy on the knees. Keep moving and don't give up! As far as weight loss - it is 80% food and what you eat. Good luck.
  • TGMotorcycle
    TGMotorcycle Posts: 23 Member
    I understand your pain, I have similar issues and no one understands that even exercising in water can be to painful. I have found that I go to the pool when I can and do what I can, there are days standing is so painful I get sick. I have found that weighing and measuring everything has helped me. if I have a very bad day I eat less then what is recommended but I am losing weight. Stay positive and always think about what your eating and if there is a lower calorie choice
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    I had knee surgery last summer because of cartilage degeneration. Unfortunately, the damage was too severe, and I had three areas of bone on bone (one of those was weight bearing), and a torn miniscus. They cleaned up what they could and approved me for a knee replacement. I am only 35 years old, so I'm trying to hold off as long as I can. I know when I started recovery from surgery, it was horribly painful, but the more I did, the better I felt. I think the key is strengthening everything back up, but that in itself is really painful. I see it as a necessary evil. Are you going to physical therapy?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If you can't exercise )or do little of it) then focus on your diet. Rather than relying on WLS (which comes with a whole host of complications and also the need to take supplements for life), perhaps you should try just tracking your calorie intake with MFP for a good while. Stick to your calorie goal as best you can (it's ok to have over're human). Eat the foods you normally eat, just less of them and in moderation. Fit the food you love into your calorie goal. Exercise if you can, but focus on your calorie consumption. Log everyday, no matter what.
  • ladymeldrum82
    ladymeldrum82 Posts: 51 Member
    Yoga :) Also, check out the SWORKIT app :)
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    You don't need to exercise at all to lose weight. It's all about eating less calories than you burn. Go to the sticky threads at the top of general weight loss section and work out your bmr and tdee. It's all explained step by step, I used the scooby workshop to work out my calorie limit as it's the most accurate.
    I'm disabled, I walk when I'm able to, I do very light stretches and I'm losing
    Log and weigh everything you eat. It will come off