Looking for Some More Weightloss Friends

briegirl28 Posts: 121 Member
edited February 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hi Everybody!

I'm 39 years old, 100+ pounds over weight (282lbs), but looking to lose about 72lbs so I can hit a goal of 210lbs. (my weight in middle school).

Low-carb diets are the best thing for me as I can really overdo it on sugar and bread and grains in general. I've felt really good and had great focus when on a low-carb diet is from OA, just not "officially". When I am eating well, I'm eating primarily protein, fruits & veggies, nuts/seeds, dairy, and some no sugar items like low-calorie jello, no added sugar hot cocoa.

This is the first time in like 10 years that I've been able to feel committed to a healthier way of life and to eat according to a way of eating that is best for me.

I'm looking for friends who are on a similar path and who may have been obese or morbidly obese for a good portion of their lives. Especially anyone that may eat emotionally, such as when we are anxious or upset or fearful or depressed, etc.

Please, no replies from people looking to sell me something. I'm simply not going to buy anything from you. :)

Hope you all are having a wonderful and healthy President's Day! :)


  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    Hi there! I'm 35 and also looking to lose about 75 pounds (13 down, 62 to go!).

    Although I've yoyo dieted for a few years, I can truly say that this is the first time that I'm doing it for me and not because someone told me I should lose weight or because I'm trying to impress someone. It's quite a liberating feeling!

    I'll add you :)
  • meghan8504
    meghan8504 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey I'm 30 and I was up to 300 and am now down to 249 with still 100 plus to lose.
    I also started doing a low carb diet for the first time 3 weeks ago and love it.
    Adding you now.
  • ronda112
    ronda112 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, I am 56 and I will tell you it gets harder as you get older (until elderly then it goes back the other way). I do low carb as well but to keep it healthy I also watch fat grams and calories. It is the only thing that works well enough for me that I do not just throw up my hands and quit. I have a very slow metabolism in spite of being very active so if I am not dieting on 1200 cal a day, I gain weight. In order to lose I must keep carbs around 30 a day. I also must drink the zero carb Gatorade or else my legs twitch and cramp from electrolyte imbalance.
  • Naboo325
    Naboo325 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm with ya! I'm looking to lose about 150 lbs, but for now, i'd be happy with 100....lost 9 so far! I'm not sure what friends on MFP usually do, I have 1 or 2 but we've never written. I'd like some Weight loss "pen-pals" maybe, for some recipe swapping or food logging ideas, and also exercise. I'm still looking for the right rhythm to get started with, not all work outs come easy with all of this weight in the belly area
    . I'll add you all! :smile:
  • lcnoel13
    lcnoel13 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm way older than I think I am (41) and have way more to lose than I want to admit (75). Right now, I am focused on 25lbs at a time. I have been serious about my weight loss journey for about 4 weeks now. I'm limiting carbs, sugars, and sodium while eating as many fruits and veggies as I want. Down 14 lbs with diet alone and looking to become more active.
    I could also use the support of people on a similar journey.
  • ronda112 wrote: »
    Hello, I am 56 and I will tell you it gets harder as you get older (until elderly then it goes back the other way). I do low carb as well but to keep it healthy I also watch fat grams and calories. It is the only thing that works well enough for me that I do not just throw up my hands and quit. I have a very slow metabolism in spite of being very active so if I am not dieting on 1200 cal a day, I gain weight. In order to lose I must keep carbs around 30 a day. I also must drink the zero carb Gatorade or else my legs twitch and cramp from electrolyte imbalance.

    You can all try smart water it has the electrolytes but not artificial additives!
  • Shrinking_Erin
    Shrinking_Erin Posts: 125 Member
    Hiya. 37 here. Starting weight 347. Now 277. And I've been large my entire life. Add me .. : )
  • I've lived with the metric system for 37 years now, so this is hard, but the internet calculated things for me: I'm 225 pounds, looking to lose 50 pounds to a goal of 175... I've always been overweight and am learning to love myself anyway. I'm in my third week with MFP, and things are looking good so far. I could do with some friends here, though, even if it's just liking each other's newsfeed posts. Add me, I promise I'm nice.
  • timmelj
    timmelj Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ladies 46yrs old.. Type 2 diabetic. I need to lose 40 more lbs to be completely off mess.. Started a year ago st 240 now 200... Looking to be 165 by June .. Would love some partners to stay motivated and help motivate