1200 Calories Lowest?



  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited February 2016
    Honestly, you'll probably be fine at 1200 calories to start, but after losing 10 pounds or so, you'll realize that you're hungrier and need a little more food, especially if you're exercising.
    I started at 1200 and was there for 3 months, but was told by my doctor that I'd want to raise it after I was out of the 'obese' BMI category. And yeah, I found that I was more than ready to go up to 1300 + half my exercise calories.

    A better way to do it than just jumping down to 1200, is to start at the higher range for your TDEE and then cut back by 100 calories per week until you're at your ideal weight loss. It takes a little longer to 'kick off' but it helps you make more mindful changes about how and what you eat, and also helps you find the right range for your personal needs.
  • kimaboyd
    kimaboyd Posts: 23 Member
    I clearly am quite stupid she it comes to understanding all this - so if I calculate my tdee at my ideal weight is says 2166 - so that means once I am on maintenance I will be consuming that much? So how to I go from 1200 to lose the weight up to 2166 without gaining it all back??!!
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    you reverse diet. Add it back slowly over time and monitor for changes. That's how you'll find your true maintenance.