
Hey Folks,
Back on fitness pal to help stay on track with my fitness goals. I originally was very active here in 2012 and FP helped me lose 30lbd and I felt and look way healthier. Since I stopped using FP I've taken up weight lifting and dirt biking. Due to some broken bones, lack of cardio, and poor dietary habits I'm back up to be much happier and healthier at 190ish lbs. My current goal is to lose 20ish pounds while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible.
Lots of cardio with 2-3 weight room days a week, I'll ride the stationary bike and elliptical for a couple weeks then start running again. Eat clean as possible, lots of protein, fruits/veggies, whole grain carbs, zero processed sugar etc...
Being military I have a kickass gym at my disposal 24/7 so this helps big time, although I prefer road running vs. Stationary cardio.

Thx for having me
