New Zealand people, I need your food ideas!

Hey kiwis
Add me so we can steal meal ideas from Each other
I'm 19 female. Not really into all the fancy diet stuff just easy... Well anything really,


  • alannacaveney
    alannacaveney Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there! I'm a 25 y o NZ female, and you can feel free to check out my food diary if you like - some days are better than others :blush: I'm just looking to change my lifestyle and lessen my portions, rather than "dieting" coz I want it to be a life-long change, so I'm not big on the "diet foods" either.

    I tend to have the same protein mix every weekday, with water instead of milk as I found I don't mind the taste with just water so that dramatically decreases intake. I have a desk job where I'm stuck sitting down most of the time, so I don't need a lot for breakfast, just to get my brain engaged! Weekends are a little different if I know I will be moving more most of the time than when stuck at my desk.

    Lunch has started being pretty repetitive lately as I found it was working for me, however I change it up every now and again if I feel I need a change to not get bored and binge!

    Dinner tends to be my largest meal, as this is when I work out (after work, before dinner) so I feel most in need to nutrition - I just need to watch portions!
  • imtrying22
    imtrying22 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there! I'm a 25 y o NZ female, and you can feel free to check out my food diary if you like - some days are better than others :blush: I'm just looking to change my lifestyle and lessen my portions, rather than "dieting" coz I want it to be a life-long change, so I'm not big on the "diet foods" either.

    I tend to have the same protein mix every weekday, with water instead of milk as I found I don't mind the taste with just water so that dramatically decreases intake. I have a desk job where I'm stuck sitting down most of the time, so I don't need a lot for breakfast, just to get my brain engaged! Weekends are a little different if I know I will be moving more most of the time than when stuck at my desk.

    Lunch has started being pretty repetitive lately as I found it was working for me, however I change it up every now and again if I feel I need a change to not get bored and binge!

    Dinner tends to be my largest meal, as this is when I work out (after work, before dinner) so I feel most in need to nutrition - I just need to watch portions!

    You sound great! I'll have a nosy now