Time to get back in the saddle....

I have had weight issues (and blood sugar issues) since the birth of my youngest son...10 years ago. While I no longer seemed to be able to lose weight or body fat I was no longer really gaining weight no matter what I did or didn't do. About 5 years ago I went to a nutritionist and did everything she said to do...I was for 3 years a major health nut that was very strict on counting every little thing I ate and every exercise. From that period I have an extensive collections of workout videos and equipment. Back then the nutritionist said I needed blood work...and I pushed and pushed to get blood work done, but was denied or blown off. Even after a year with a nutritionist...my doctor just told me "you don't look that bad...eat less and work out more". (btw we're military so I don't really have the luxury of just seeing a new doctor). And this seemed to be the case at the 3 bases we were stationed at over that 10 year period.

Recently we moved to San Antonio, and the doctor I have here is just amazing. I've had so many issues I've wanted to address and always been mostly or completely blown off...she has been on top of things. I've had full blood work done, metabolic panel, sugars, everything. She on the spot put in referrals and testing on everything. So, I have found out that I am now pre-diabetic. And going to be going through a 12 week course, and most likely a nutritionist after that. My main motivation at this point is that if I do my part at the end I won't just be told "eat less, workout more". I actually have a set of doctors that will listen to me, and will do everything in their power to help me. If normal diet and exercise doesn't work....they will do more tests, do adjustments, etc. If that still doesn't they will look for other options. And in the end long down the road...my doctor is not against trying surgery as a last resort.

Now, I really don't want the surgery, but it is nice to know that if it comes down to nothing else is working for some reason, it is an option.

Some other things about me. I also have severe sleep apnea and I use the fitbit watch and scale. I do full body measurements once a week. I don't work, but I do home school my two boys. I have been doing great at making sure I am logging all my foods (either right before or right after I eat) and staying hydrated. I've also been working on controlling my sugar/carb intake. What I always have a hard time getting started is the workouts! I am a procrastinating / justification queen when it comes to the workouts. Once I get a routine going for a few weeks...then I'm golden and need little motivation there...but oh those first couple weeks it is like pulling teeth!