How do you stay on track?

So I am currently on my 8th week into my fitness/fat loss journey. I lost 10 pounds my first 4 weeks, but this last 4 weeks I have been skipping workouts (I'm doing p90x3) and not dieting everyday. I usually miss about 2 workouts out of the week and then try to make up for them by doubling up later and then I usually ruin my diet 4 days. I haven't gained a bunch of weight back (it's usually a couple pounds and then I'll start my diet again and lose it). How do y'all keep from going off track ? I'm determined to get through this last month of p90x3 but the dieting is getting hard.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It's a process, for sure - hard to change old habits and stick with new ones.

    Maybe plan out your workouts for the week, just one week at a time - write it on a calendar, either on your wall or in your phone with reminders, but whatever you'll actually see and be more willing to stick to. And make them reasonable workouts - if the thought of an hour long workout is what puts you off, then find one for less time - even 20-30 minutes with good effort does you good, and is less daunting than a full hour or more. And if you miss one day, don't try to double up, just make note of how you feel (disappointed? sad? regret?) and REMEMBER that feeling if you feel tempted to skip again the next day.

    As for foods, what is your daily goal? How are you "ruining" your diet 4 days? If your goal is too low or restrictive and doesn't allow any wiggle room, then it's much much harder to stick to for any length of time. You end up stopping and starting, losing motivation, then feeling guilty for backsliding and have to start all over again. Been there, and it sucks!

    Set reasonable goals that you CAN stick to. Much easier to stick with and while weight loss might be a little slower, it'll be a lot more permanent. Good luck!
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    I have a goal in mind so I am determined to reach it. I am tired of being fat. It motivates me to see my body shrink. I can once again fit into my older, smaller clothes.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited February 2016
    AmyRhubarb wrote: »
    As for foods, what is your daily goal? How are you "ruining" your diet 4 days? If your goal is too low or restrictive and doesn't allow any wiggle room, then it's much much harder to stick to for any length of time. You end up stopping and starting, losing motivation, then feeling guilty for backsliding and have to start all over again. Been there, and it sucks!

    ^ Agree completely.
    I've done the whole extreme restriction with only a small group of ok foods. It didn't work long term and yep I gained some back. Once I started being more flexible (within reason) it really became much easier to stick with.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I still struggle with the eating but normally if j go over my deficit, I just try to stay within maintenance and start fresh the next day. I sometimes try to save up some calories to use on days I want to eat more but that does not always happen.

    For workouts, I create a 60 to 90 calendar (depending on the program I am doing), print it out and hang it up in my office. I mark off each day completed and that motivates me. Even though I do not workout at the same scheduled time every day, it is on my calendar for the day and i feel obligated to complete it. I rarely miss a workout unless I am out of town. I also have short HIIT workouts available for cardio days that I do not feel like working out on.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    Any chance you are being too agrees I've with your eating and exercise goals? Maybe scale them back so you have more habitual successes.
  • YaGirlMaddi
    YaGirlMaddi Posts: 88 Member
    The p90x3 came with a calender that you can mark off each day/workout that you did. I have it on my wall right next to my bikini (its reminding me why I'm doing this). But I'm not super restrictive on my diet, but I do pay attention to my macros. But it's getting to the point where I wake up and skip breakfast and eat whatever I want and eat junk food all day (slipping back into old habits)and the amount of calories I eat is what I usually eat for maintenance.