Cheat meal



  • BrideSept2017
    BrideSept2017 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't cheat in the sense that I go over my goal, but for the occasional holiday or special occasion I will bank calories and/or switch to a maintenance goal for the day. I will also add up any unintentionally banked calories (days when I just didn't meet my daily goal for whatever reason) and add them to one of my weekend days as an extra snack. (Usually 200-300 calories). So far I've been losing an average of 1.5-2 lbs/week.
  • charlieaulert
    charlieaulert Posts: 127 Member
    Does anyone have weekly cheat meals? I followed my diet all day saturday and went to olive garden for vday. Is that ok to do once a week?

    Avoid the cheat meal & watch the results fly in much quicker! Think about what you're doing when eating a cheat meal... Going against all the clean meals you've had, making it a longer journey to achieve your goals!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    Does anyone have weekly cheat meals? I followed my diet all day saturday and went to olive garden for vday. Is that ok to do once a week?

    I read an article today about cheat meals giving your metabolism a kickstart again because it's foods and or minerals proteins etc that your body might not be getting. Was in a muscle fitness mag. Personally I allow myself a cheat meal but I make it fit into my day if I can. There's been the odd occasion, wedding and funeral where I just couldn't be bothered to count that day because I want to be present in that moment not glued to my phone and I think if you make a conscious decision to not Segway into bad habits they aren't a bad thing. Allowing yourself small pleasures can prevent binging.

    Your approach seems sensible.

    But to the bolded bit: Please, please folks, for optimal health, put a priority on getting adequate nutrition every day, or as near every day as possible. Your body has a way to store energy (e.g., fat, primarily), but there are helpful nutrients that it can't store longer-term for future utilization in the same way it uses nutrients from current/recent food. Protein and some of the water-soluble vitamins are examples.

    I've been kind of looking out for real (peer-reviewed, sensibly-designed, etc.) research result - without actually searching hard, BTW - that supports the idea that re-feeding (over/at maintenance occasionally) is helpful to weight loss in some way. Haven't run across anything yet. If anyone's seen such a thing (solid research results), please comment.
  • wykkedtruth
    wykkedtruth Posts: 47 Member
    Havent read a scholarly article yet which I am always on the hunt for. I tend to take Muscle Mag or Fitness Magazines with a grain of salt. What works for one might not necessarily work for another as well. For me it would just enable me to have that cheat meal and be able to rationalize it. But if I do find anything I will let you know.