Having problems eating ALL of my cals!!

Hello all, I need some advice. Two and a half weeks ago I visited my doctor and when the blood work came back it showed that I am pre-diabetic (A1C was 6.4%). It also showed that my total cholesterol was 227, good cholesterol low, bad cholesterol high and triglycerides high. She suggested I go on a 1,500 calorie diet to lose weight. When I calculated on MFP it gave me a calorie goal of 1,490. So, I began the journey. I was excited because it keeps up with everything I am having to watch; my cals, my cholesterol intake and the carbs. Fast forward to now and I am starting to get a little worried. I am having a VERY difficult time eating all of my calories and when I exercise, it is even worse!! According to my dietician I should have 45 carbs for each meal and 15 carbs for each snack to keep my blood sugar regular. I am doing well with that but am finding that the lower carb items are also the lower cal items and I am seriously struggling to eat them all. When I complete my food diary I get the message that my body is going to go into starvation mode if I don't eat more. Not only do I NOT want to eat more but my stomach feels so full that if I tried to put more in I feel as if I am going to be sick. I have lost 3 lbs. in one week (haven't weighed this week yet) so the healthier foods and exercise are working I just don't want to stop losing weight because I can't eat all the food. That sounds like an oxymoron!!! I didn't eat healthy before but am now and I can already tell the difference but really need some suggestions on how to eat all the cals!!!


  • lucifa73
    lucifa73 Posts: 110
    Just keep going. Try to eat a little more each day and your body will get used to the change. My parents are both managing diabetes through diet and exercise and found it took a month or two to get used to the new rules.

    And well done on the 3lb :happy:
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    your body has to adjust to your new eating style. it will, but takes time. don't eat until you're sick; if you're full, stop. you are transitioning right now. takes a couple weeks to adjust.

    the starvation mode message is a heads up, that's all. you can't do it all at once and be successful--give your body the time it needs to adjust; everybody is different. i think the website is great but we hcg dieters get the warning every day until we switch to maintenance phase.
  • bcrist
    bcrist Posts: 19 Member
    I know sometimes it is hard to get all of your calories in but do you eat snacks throughout the day? That's how I'm able to get mine in. If your not try eating one in between breakfast and lunch and then the other between lunch and dinner. If your on the go like most people keep granola bars or crackers in your purse to eat on the go. Planning ahead and taking snacks with you is the best way to keep hunger at bay and get in those calories. Good LUCK!
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    That is my hope, that I get used to it. I am not a whiner and am determined to get the weight off but I never thought that eating more food would be a stressful thing! It's crazy because I feel like I am eating more now than I did before, albeit healthier food, but just the same...MORE FOOD! Thanks for the encouragement. My dad has been a diabetic for 35 years and has to control his with insulin. It is now causing major health problems for him and I do NOT want to go through what he is going through. Diabetes is an evil, slow disease that effects so many organs. I want to be HEALTHY!!
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    One thing that helped me when I was having trouble eating all of my calories was to stop buying the low-calorie or low fat versions of things, then the portion size you're eating contains more calories and you don't feel like you're totally stuffing yourself to eat everything. Another thing that helped was to spread out my meals a bit more and add more snacks. For instance, I still eat a large breakfast, but it's spread out over an hour and a half or so.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    HCG dieters? What is that?
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I guess I feel like I need to be rigid with eating what I am supposed to eat and need to learn to be a little more flexible. Maybe it was just the initial shock that I had allowed things to get to this stage and the urgency that it all needs to change....NOW! You guys have given some good advice and are such an ispiration. Thank you!
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I guess I feel like I need to be rigid with eating what I am supposed to eat and need to learn to be a little more flexible. Maybe it was just the initial shock that I had allowed things to get to this stage and the urgency that it all needs to change....NOW! You guys have given some good advice and are such an ispiration. Thank you!

    I'm right there with you. I was being so rigid about what I was eating that I was coming no where near my minimum caloric intake of 1200. I could never even touch my exercise calories! I'm trying to let myself loosen up a bit a eat a meal over 300 calories! I'm learning that I can still eat some of the bad things that got me here in a better way. For example, last night I had a turkey burger on a better start english muffin with soy cheese. As a side, I let myself eat cheese fries! I baked ore ida shoestring fries in the oven and added 1/4 cup of low fat mozz cheese. I was stuffed at the end of the meal! When I added it up, I logged 485 calories for the dinner and almost freaked since most of my meals have hovered under 350! It was then I realized I finally hit 1200 calories with ease!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I am trying to lose a LOT of weight, almost 200 pounds. I plugged all my data into MFP and my daily calorie goal is 1790! WITHOUT exercise calories!. I am eating lots and lots of fruits and veggies and trying to eat healthy but I am having trouble getting above 1600 cals. Does anyone have any suggestions. I know I could get there if I ate processed foods and stuff like that, but I don't want to eat like that anymore.
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    Don't worry about eating all your calories.. As long as you eat atleast 1200 a day and dont let you body go into starvation mode you'll be good!! I try to stay betweet 1200-1500 cals a day.. Sometimes I could eat TRIPLE that...
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I am trying to lose a LOT of weight, almost 200 pounds. I plugged all my data into MFP and my daily calorie goal is 1790! WITHOUT exercise calories!. I am eating lots and lots of fruits and veggies and trying to eat healthy but I am having trouble getting above 1600 cals. Does anyone have any suggestions. I know I could get there if I ate processed foods and stuff like that, but I don't want to eat like that anymore.

    I've been welcoming back complex carbs over the last few weeks. Whole wheat breads and wraps are now a daily part of my diet. It helps in getting some of the fiber I need and increasing my caloric intake.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    We can struggle together ladies. I have no doubt that this will all work itself out but find it so discouraging when I am putting everything into this and getting those results. I am a classic overachiever and like the satisfaction of instant results. That won't happen with this lifestyle change and I have to remember that I didn't get like this over night and I won't see results over night either! Less rigid! Less rigid! Less rigid!

    Kerri, one of the things my dietitian advised was to eat heart healthy nuts. I bought Platners Heart Healthy Mix prepackaged nuts. There are 260 calories in one serving/package. Although the fat content is high, it is loaded with the good for your heart fats. She also suggested that I eat a tablespoon of NATURAL peanut butter. I bought Jif Natural and 2 tablespoons have 190 calories. One tablespoon will cover two sheets of graham crackers and it is soooo good. I feel like I am cheating when I eat it! Both are low in carbs so it works for me! I've also made a parfait with 1/2 cup low fat yogurt(might check out the regular brand now), 1/3 cup of frozen blueberries and 6 whole walnuts. If you guys have any other higher cal, good for you suggestions I would LOVE to hear them!
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    So 1,200 cals is the magic number where I won't get the starvation mode message?? Does that include exercise cals??
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    So 1,200 cals is the magic number where I won't get the starvation mode message?? Does that include exercise cals??

    What starvation mode message are you getting? I'm not sure I get that when I'm below my cals.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I can't remember the exact verbage but it says something like: "Your caloric intake is too low. If you continue to eat this amount of calories your body will go into starvation mode and it will make it more difficult to lose weight. You need to increase your caloric intake." Something along those lines.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I bought Platners Heart Healthy Mix prepackaged nuts. There are 260 calories in one serving/package. Although the fat content is high, it is loaded with the good for your heart fats. She also suggested that I eat a tablespoon of NATURAL peanut butter. I bought Jif Natural and 2 tablespoons have 190 calories. One tablespoon will cover two sheets of graham crackers and it is soooo good. I

    Do these have a lot of sodium? I have to watch my sodium intake because I tend to hold on to a ton of water???
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I can't remember the exact verbage but it says something like: "Your caloric intake is too low. If you continue to eat this amount of calories your body will go into starvation mode and it will make it more difficult to lose weight. You need to increase your caloric intake." Something along those lines.

    How long were you going to see that? I don't think I've had that come up on me.
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I bought Platners Heart Healthy Mix prepackaged nuts. There are 260 calories in one serving/package. Although the fat content is high, it is loaded with the good for your heart fats. She also suggested that I eat a tablespoon of NATURAL peanut butter. I bought Jif Natural and 2 tablespoons have 190 calories. One tablespoon will cover two sheets of graham crackers and it is soooo good. I

    Do these have a lot of sodium? I have to watch my sodium intake because I tend to hold on to a ton of water???

    You can track your sodium on MFP. You'll just have to change your settings.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Kerri, the PB has 80mg in 2 tblsp. and the nuts have 75mg in one package. There are lower sodium versions of nuts, not sure which ones though.

    Robin, I see that message when I finish my food diary for the evening. Not every night but I have been doing this for almost two weeks and it has come up at least 4 or 5 times. I'm going to try to keep my calories at least over 1,200 and as close to 1,490 as I can and see what happens.
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    So I finally got that caution notice about not eating enough. I've probably been getting it for weeks but finally just noticed it. I came in waaaaaay low today and I'm not really sure what to do. I guess I'll just have to bring more food to work and eat more throughout the earlier part of the day. I find myself more willing to risk low calories for one day than to eat at 10pm. From all my reading, it takes a few days for your body to go into starvation mode anyway. I'll make a nice dinner tomorrow night to make up for it - just no time tonight.