School holidays & nasty weather.....

I've been trying to achieve 10,000 steps a day, but 3 days into wet & windy, school holidays & I've done next to nothing, got my 5 year old pestering me ... He likes to bake, but obviously i don't need the cakes or tarts as temptation... We made salt dough instead, its drying in oven as i type..

I know i won't loose much at all, IF anything this week..
Did 15 mins aerobics on Monday, plan on doing another 15 in a bit, I've been wandering around the house in my slippers wearing Ankle weights, couple of hours too, but what does every one else do, to keep their steps up & stay motivated, and keep kids occupied?????


  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Set up a play date for your child. You workout while he/she is at someone else's house and you return the favor on the next school holiday. Or split up the day, couple hours at your house couple hours at someone else's.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited February 2016
    I have a treadmill so I walked on that yesterday while my daughter had her friend over. I have discovered that it is extremely difficult/rare to experience reciprocity when it comes to play dates.

    If you live near a shopping area, take your son out to a few stores to walk around. At that age, my daughter enjoyed walking around big pet stores. That's also an age, though, when a child should be able to handle entertaining himself for a bit of time. Give him some toys or books or something to color.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited February 2016
    Walk at Home of Just Walk DVDs are great for crappy weather. Check your local library or Target store.

    Here a few YouTube freebies:

    These are low impact.....if your child naps, this is perfect.
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    On days like that, I do an exercise video before the kids get up or after they go to bed. Or I try to get them to exercise with me. We'll lift weights or do yoga together. My 6 year old likes to climb on me during yoga so that adds to the challenge. I know that I can't aim for steps on those days but I always try to get in other exercise.
  • crispaholicshaz
    crispaholicshaz Posts: 79 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I have a treadmill so I walked on that yesterday while my daughter had her friend over. I have discovered that it is extremely difficult/rare to experience reciprocity when it comes to play dates.

    If you live near a shopping area, take your son out to a few stores to walk around. At that age, my daughter enjoyed walking around big pet stores. That's also an age, though, when a child should be able to handle entertaining himself for a bit of time. Give him some toys or books or something to color.

    All he wants to do is play on PS3.. I only allow 90 mins a day.
    It was too wet to go out. Otherwise we could of walked the dog...
    i live in small town with {boring shops.}. lol his words not mine.. Thanks for suggestions though... Been shopping today, got 3273 steps so far... :)
  • crispaholicshaz
    crispaholicshaz Posts: 79 Member
    shano25 wrote: »
    On days like that, I do an exercise video before the kids get up or after they go to bed. Or I try to get them to exercise with me. We'll lift weights or do yoga together. My 6 year old likes to climb on me during yoga so that adds to the challenge. I know that I can't aim for steps on those days but I always try to get in other exercise.

    Yeah we tried that, got a PS3 fitness disk, (Active 2.). spend more time telling him not to run at TV, or to stop playing with the resistance bands, b4 getting twanged in face.. Then the dog started barking & jumping at me raising my arms, and lay on me as i tried in vain to do sit ups... lol. gave up.. Thanks for reply..
  • crispaholicshaz
    crispaholicshaz Posts: 79 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Walk at Home of Just Walk DVDs are great for crappy weather. Check your local library or Target store.

    Here a few YouTube freebies:

    These are low impact.....if your child naps, this is perfect.

    thanks shall have a look...
  • sk1982
    sk1982 Posts: 45 Member
    why dont you put on your wet gear / rain coats and go out and have fun splashing through the puddles in a local park?
  • crispaholicshaz
    crispaholicshaz Posts: 79 Member
    sk1982 wrote: »
    why dont you put on your wet gear / rain coats and go out and have fun splashing through the puddles in a local park?

    We have been full of coughs and colds for last 4 weeks, so trying to steer clear of catching another.. lol.. Park would be too far for him to walk too, as well. but thanks for idea..
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I've heard people say there's no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing. If you live in an area where the weather gets wet and cold that's going to be a fact as long as you live there. Better plan for how to deal with next winter and the winter after etc.

    Sounds like you are the primary care giver for your 5 y/o with maybe no help. That can definitely make it rough and working out should get easier as he gets older. But also make sure you aren't making too many excuses and always waiting until later to get healthy. I got about 3k steps a couple weeks ago just racing with and running with a high energy 2 y/o around his house. Also not sure as I'm not a parent but maybe this is a good time to teach him to do some play by himself, color while Mom does a workout video (don't do one that gets on the ground if that will cause him to come and climb all over you). My limited experience with kiddos is that the ones that climb all over their parents do so because mom or dad is overweight and doesn't come to them or move around that often. They got used to going to their parents instead.

    Do you have a local YMCA? I know some of those have daycare or activities where the kids can do stuff too.
  • crispaholicshaz
    crispaholicshaz Posts: 79 Member
    I live in UK so yeah were are well used to wet weather.. your partialy right about me being primary carer for my son.. we live with my partner, but after years of being single mum, & then abusive ex, i am not very good at stepping back & letting him take over..

    I hadnt realised my replies sounded like excuses, lol.. i was just explaining why the ìdeas didn't work for me.. Last day of holidays today. Back to school monday..
  • crispaholicshaz
    crispaholicshaz Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you all for your replys... x
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Turn on music and dance together for 30 minutes to an hour.
    In house scavenger hunt. Have your child find items that start with a certain letter or that are a particular color.
    Set a timer and do speed cleaning together.
    Do a 30 minute or so walking based workout video off of you tube. Leslie Sansone and Jessica Smith have some.
    I just walk around my house listening to music, pod casts, reading. You could walk while listening to audio books or while the tv is on.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    sk1982 wrote: »
    why dont you put on your wet gear / rain coats and go out and have fun splashing through the puddles in a local park?

    Gosh that sounds like something peppa pig and her family would do
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    What about those leslie walk away the pound videos. Done a few in the past on you tube. Little one can join in too
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I have a treadmill so I walked on that yesterday while my daughter had her friend over. I have discovered that it is extremely difficult/rare to experience reciprocity when it comes to play dates.

    If you live near a shopping area, take your son out to a few stores to walk around. At that age, my daughter enjoyed walking around big pet stores. That's also an age, though, when a child should be able to handle entertaining himself for a bit of time. Give him some toys or books or something to color.

    I agree. Its rare that parents will reciprocate play dates. They want you to take their kids a lot but rarely invite yours.
    Just learn to be active with your kid and remember that weight loss comes down to calories . if you eat at a deficit you will lose weight. So if you cant work out, its okay . just remain at your deficit.
    Play gym class in your living room, do short sprints, situps, push ups, whatever with your kid if you want to be active . walking around a mall Is also a good idea when the weather is bad.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I don't get my steps, but I did go out in my garage and lift weights for ~1 hour. I let my kids either come out in the garage with me and play or they stay inside where it is warm and watch TV (or play, I really don't care). I have a 6, 3, and 2 year old. The 2 and 3 year old are the most likely to come out in the garage with me. I also did 20 reps of burpees, 1 arm stand ups, and lunges with the 6 year old as part of his royal rangers (like cub scouts) strong body badge.

    So, either make him play by himself while you exercise and spend the rest of the day playing with him, or make him exercise with you doing whatever exercises you want. They will survive just fine. You will be interrupted, you will survive also. Over time kids will either learn not to bother you as much while you are exercising or they will exercise with you.