Significant Other at Races/Events



  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Yes, done 3 Warrior Dashes and my family has been to 2 of 3 to cheer me on & take pictures! Only reason they couldn't come to one was b/c my daughter was playing in a softball tournament, so the hubby had to take her to that & I went to play in the mud!
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    No not one of my gf's has ever came to anything of mine like you describe...and if she did it was because she was nosey. My mom will though...and i love love love that :)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    The only race that I do my SO does it with me however I know that if I were to decide to do a race without him he would go. No questions asked.

    I actually did a color run back in April and he was all ready to go and cheer me on but I was the one who told him he didn't have to because he'd be bored stiff waiting for me at the finish line.

    My husband is my biggest cheerleader no matter what I do and I know that I would never have to beg him to come watch me race.