how does it make any sense? someone please help me

StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
So..... I have a friend who is pretty much one of our best friends.... he stays at our house every Sunday with his daughter... he lives 3 hours away with hi new pregnant girlfriend (4months relationship, 4 months pregnant)..... once in a while she comes with him and stays at our house..... he always talks to us about their problems and we give him advices and all the good stuffs.... We liked her a lot because she was fun and charming with all of us....

once he started to tell us the problem they had, she changed with us....

like a month ago she can, and she would only say hi If we say hi to her.... or she will lock herself in the room if we were in our own house....

like 2 weekends ago, would be totally the same, we cooked for them and all the good stuffs and she didn't even say thanks... or any feedback about the food.. once again, she went to the guestroom without saying good night or nothing......

yesterday, we went to have dinner at a restaurant and she was being all *****y and rude to us and the server, and I thought that it was because she was tired for the 3 hours drive and the pregnancy.. so whatever....

today: all this happened in 15 mins....

I walked in: hello!
she: goes and locked herself in the room
then gets out: girls (because 1 of her kids was here and the other one was my friend's) lets go.....she gets all her bags and stuffs. while she is getting the stuffs, she breaks the thing where you put the spoon while cooking. She didn't say I sorry or nothing, she picked them up. walked out without saying bye, thank you for having us or nothing.....

then, I text my friend and he says: she thinks that you don't like her, that's why she acts that way....

I was like: really? being rude for what she thinks is going to solve any problems, she just got a big ticket to don't be welcome in my house anymore....

few mins goes by and she calls being all crazy and saying how I make her feel down (because when we talked about pregnancy, I told her I was losing all my extra weight and I was trying to be fit while my pregnancy) so she was like I have two kids, you don't need to tell me how to eat or why it is so important to workout.... my problems with your friend isn't in your business (yeah because it is my fault that he came to us and talked about their problems).....and she also said that she isn't rude, that she is quiet, to which I told her that maybe being too quiet was being rude? (like no say good morning, hello, thank you, see you later)and tons of non sense stuffs..... then I said I just want him to be happy.... and she said: your opinion isn't needed it

if you don't like us why do you come to my house?
if you think that I don't like you why you don't tell me what's up?
how is that my fault that her boyfriend told us all of their problems?

does any of this make sense???

OOOHHHHH and then, I tell her.. stop texting me Im busy and I don't need drama, and she says that she isn't being drama.... that Im the one making the drama


  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    sorry that it is so long LOL
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    one it is cultural differences and two she is crazy!!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I wonder if your friend told her you didn't like her or something. Some people will do that to make their SO feel bad.

    A sudden change means something happened. How does she even know he talked to you about their problems?
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    also I think the friend is creating this for some reason? Maybe he doesnt want all of you to get close to her?

    Polish proverb: Gdzie dwóch się bije, tam trzeci korzysta, meaning: where two people are fighting over something, the third party takes it all.

    In German it goes: Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der Dritte, when two are fighting, the third is rejoicing.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Well it makes sense from a pint of view where she is looking from... apparently. She thinks that you are sticking your nose to things that are not your business. I will take a wild guess and say that you probably talked with her and tried to help with those problems they had, didn't you? With the best intentions of course cos you want them to be happy, but some people just hate when you try to teach them how to live, even if it's good advice, they prefer to solve their problems alone. Also you probably make her feel bad by talking about how you worked out and everything while she doesn't, maybe even giving some advice with the best intentions. Am I wrong? ^^

    Aaaaaaaanyways, I would take a while and do some drama to settle things out, of course politely. Find out what makes her think this and that, etc. I'm such a person that I like to talk things through when somebody has a problem with me, even if it involves drama, at least it will be done and finished. If it wouldn't work I would indeed "kick" her out of my house, hehe. ^^
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member
    I personally think your best friend is telling her your advice on what ever problem he shared with you guys. That really isn't fair to her. She probably feels offended that you know something so personal, which isn't your fault, sounds like she is just taking it out on you instead of her boyfriend. I was kind of confused are you pregnant as well? Some people are jealous of people losing weight and feel like they should make better decisions so maybe its a whole bunch of things that are getting to her.

    I think if you care about having a relationship with her and your best friends everyone should sit down and have an open talk... Hear her out even though she is acting crazy... This is your side of the story and maybe you are doing something that really has gotten to her or hurt her feelings in some way... Most of the time when people act up its for a reason...
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    my friend was about to break up with her because she is crazy... but now they are better.... we were texting when she went to his work place, maybe she took his phone to read the messages or something.... she also said stuffs about my husband's best- girl friend and he called her and she was like.... what????????????????

    I know for a fact that our friend wants everyone to hangout and be happy, but it isn't working out..... I feel bad for him.... well it gotta be a reason why a 24 years old has 3 kids with 3 different father and 2 divorces....

    I'm sad for my friend.... :cry: :cry:

    my main concern is the friendship, I tried to talk to him trying to makes sure everything was fine and don't have any tension in my own house every weekend.... and that's what happened.....
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I think they should all stay home from now on. Doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    I personally think your best friend is telling her your advice on what ever problem he shared with you guys. That really isn't fair to her. She probably feels offended that you know something so personal, which isn't your fault, sounds like she is just taking it out on you instead of her boyfriend. I was kind of confused are you pregnant as well? Some people are jealous of people losing weight and feel like they should make better decisions so maybe its a whole bunch of things that are getting to her.

    I think if you care about having a relationship with her and your best friends everyone should sit down and have an open talk... Hear her out even though she is acting crazy... This is your side of the story and maybe you are doing something that really has gotten to her or hurt her feelings in some way... Most of the time when people act up its for a reason...

    that's a good point.... Im not pregnant yet (or maybe yes, I will know in few days) but when she got pregnant we were planning about having a child, I've been making doctor appts to make sure we are ok to have a child.... we planned a get away together before the pregnancy.... It's like we are together because we are happy and we are having a baby because that's what we have been planning for few month to get pregnant between june-octuber....

    non of her pregnancies were planned.... and when she asked why we were going to wait, we both said that we wanted to make it right and have some vacations before the baby, and also for me to don't be so big during summer time (we live in Arizona)... so maybe some jealousy is involved? oohhh and she was unhappy before she got pregnant because she was over weight....

    she said that I hurt her feeling for saying that good nutrition and fitness is good during pregnancy, and she feels like Im offending her because she already has 2 kids and she knows how to eat and that she doesn't want to workout.... but what pisses her off the most, its that we know that they had problem.... I just sent the whole text message conversation to my husband (in that way he would see both sides) and he is going to talk to our friend