I am stuck at a 5 lb loss! Please some advise.. Diary Open



  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    I understand how busy a Mom you must be and the healthy shakes you defended are a quick easy meal. You don't have to ditch them, but I wouldn't eat more than one a day. 19 grams of sugar not so bad once....but somedays you had 3 and many days you have 2. Try to keep it to one/day. Where are your salads? Where are 'any' veges? Where are your good fats? I am no expert and not trying to be critical, but 'You" asked.... I would UP my good fats (olive oil, olives, avocado, flax seed, coconut oil, whole eggs) and make sure the proteins don't fall below 80-100. I would cut the sugars. If you do one shake/day, you have successfully cut your sugars.

    You are busy. got it. how about cooking 3 days worth of chicken breasts to cut up on some healthy salad greens. That is a quick meal. Boiled eggs. quick and healthy. cut up veges and eat with hummus or guacamole. Eat meat on a sandwich, not just nut butter and jelly. If you can't sit and eat a salad, then have a bunch of cut up veges, cut up chicken, a cheese stick. Throw on a plate and eat with your fingers while you do other tasks.

    Lastly, some days are way too low on calories. Try not to go below 14-1500. There has to be a reason you are not losing. I would guess it's the lack of fat, sometimes low protein, always high sugar, sometimes too low calories. Those shakes might be organic and healthy and delicious. But, I ask "How's that working out for you?"
  • Jennifera714
    Meal replacement shakes and fast food are 99% of your diet from what I saw. I'm going with the rest of the folks - eat real food.

    Me too. I am going along with the rest of the folks. Don't know where the other person got their ideas from about continue eating meal replacement. Is this going to be something for life.

    KATE FARMS KOMPLETE MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKES..... they are not half bad if you take a look at what type of ingredients they carry. Better than a ordinary breakfast any day!
  • MatthewMacG
    MatthewMacG Posts: 27 Member
    If you weigh all the food you can (i.e. pasta) and track every calorie that you put into your mouth whilst following the recommended calories you will lose weight. If you don't weigh your food or track calories on weekends then you don't really know how many calories you have eaten and therefore don't know if you are eating over your calorie allowance to lose weight.

    Also whilst losing weight is as simple as expending more calories than you consume, eating meal replacements will not provide you with all the vitamins, minerals and fibre your body needs, eating real whole foods will make you feel healthier, fuller and your body will thank you for it. The eating habits you develop will be passed onto your children, so you'll be doing them a favour too.

    If you do exercise, eat back at least half of the calories you burn, that way you'll avoid an over estimation of calories burnt during exercise whilst giving your body the calories it needs.
  • Jennifera714
    I understand how busy a Mom you must be and the healthy shakes you defended are a quick easy meal. You don't have to ditch them, but I wouldn't eat more than one a day. 19 grams of sugar not so bad once....but somedays you had 3 and many days you have 2. Try to keep it to one/day. Where are your salads? Where are 'any' veges? Where are your good fats? I am no expert and not trying to be critical, but 'You" asked.... I would UP my good fats (olive oil, olives, avocado, flax seed, coconut oil, whole eggs) and make sure the proteins don't fall below 80-100. I would cut the sugars. If you do one shake/day, you have successfully cut your sugars.

    You are busy. got it. how about cooking 3 days worth of chicken breasts to cut up on some healthy salad greens. That is a quick meal. Boiled eggs. quick and healthy. cut up veges and eat with hummus or guacamole. Eat meat on a sandwich, not just nut butter and jelly. If you can't sit and eat a salad, then have a bunch of cut up veges, cut up chicken, a cheese stick. Throw on a plate and eat with your fingers while you do other tasks.

    Lastly, some days are way too low on calories. Try not to go below 14-1500. There has to be a reason you are not losing. I would guess it's the lack of fat, sometimes low protein, always high sugar, sometimes too low calories. Those shakes might be organic and healthy and delicious. But, I ask "How's that working out for you?"

    SO So true. I am lacking on the veggie side. I am very busy 5 month old still nursing her I work full time and I have a 21 month old and a 11 month old at home. So busy yeah you can say that. I will try the more veggie thing and the preparation of meals for days ahead see how that works for me.
  • MatthewMacG
    MatthewMacG Posts: 27 Member
    You need to start eating whole foods, a Kate Farms Meal Replacement Shake has 68 ingredients and 19 grams of sugar per shake. if you want to start seeing changes in not only your weight but also overall health then start eating foods with 1-3 ingredients.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    OH, wow, If you are nursing you really need to eat more. And your lil' darling will definitely benefit from Mommy eating her veges! and, please up those good fats. You Both need that! Real fats are not the enemy. They are important for so many things and that precious little one needs the good stuff. Good Luck. Keep us posted.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Considering that you are nursing, I'd definitely ditch the shakes. Maybe one a day, if that... because it's going to be nice and all but are you planning on just drinking shakes all your life? You're not learning how to eat properly.

    What I'm wondering is what do you feed your kids? If you can make food for them, surely you can find time to make some healthy food for you too... just make enough for all of you.

    And yeah... I don't know why you even bother logging your food if you're not measuring and weighing everything, as it won't be accurate anyway.
  • Jennifera714
    Considering that you are nursing, I'd definitely ditch the shakes. Maybe one a day, if that... because it's going to be nice and all but are you planning on just drinking shakes all your life? You're not learning how to eat properly.

    What I'm wondering is what do you feed your kids? If you can make food for them, surely you can find time to make some healthy food for you too... just make enough for all of you.

    And yeah... I don't know why you even bother logging your food if you're not measuring and weighing everything, as it won't be accurate anyway.

    First and foremost I feed my kids REAL FOOD. I stumbled across this shake at my local Natural Products Health Food Expo back in March and decided I wanted to cut back what I eat and replace it with a meal replacement. Since everyone was so gaga over this shake I decided to purchase a large amount of it, since have been drinking them religiously. I prepare all my childrens meals at night and containerize them for the following day since they are at home with a sitter m-f 6:30 - 4:00pm. I make healthy foods for my family chicken breast, brown rice, veggies I just have not been eating that myself. This was a question about what I need to do to try and lose not what I make my children! I do not plan on drinking shakes my entire life btw. I am trying to learn how to eat properly that is why I posted this thread for advise. Why do I bother to log my food you ask? I am sure there are a good amount of members on this site who log and do not measure their food that was kinda RUDE.
  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    If you are nursing and you're 5'7" and 175 lb, I would say you are eating WAY too low.

    I am 5'9", 192lb, and Im eating 2200 a day, PLUS eating most of my exercise cals. You arent losing any weight because you're eating so little that it thinks enough food isnt available, so its saving your fat for nutrition for the baby.

    How I got that number was I got my TDEE (google TDEE calculator) and then subtracted 20%. Then added 400 cal for breastfeeding. That gave me 2200. Ive lost 7 lb in 3 weeks so it must be working so far. There are some days I eat 2800+ calories, if I have a big exercise day!

    Good luck!

    ETA: Im also nursing my 6 mo old, that's why I said I added cal's for BFing, haha. I have a 6 mo old, a 2 yr old, and a 4 yr old, trust me, I get being busy! :)
  • Jennifera714
    If you are nursing and you're 5'7" and 175 lb, I would say you are eating WAY too low.

    I am 5'9", 192lb, and Im eating 2200 a day, PLUS eating most of my exercise cals. You arent losing any weight because you're eating so little that it thinks enough food isnt available, so its saving your fat for nutrition for the baby.

    How I got that number was I got my TDEE (google TDEE calculator) and then subtracted 20%. Then added 400 cal for breastfeeding. That gave me 2200. Ive lost 7 lb in 3 weeks so it must be working so far. There are some days I eat 2800+ calories, if I have a big exercise day!

    Good luck!

    ETA: Im also nursing my 6 mo old, that's why I said I added cal's for BFing, haha. I have a 6 mo old, a 2 yr old, and a 4 yr old, trust me, I get being busy! :)

    I will try that my TDEE came out to a whopping: 2455!
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    Have you adjusted your maco goals pr dod you stick with the MFP default? Adjusting Protein to 35% Fat to 35% & Carbs to 35% then following it will give you a diet better for weightloss. You can change it by clicking "goals" in the food tab, then change goals, then "custom" and entering the respective values.

    I find protein shakes and bars to be helpful with maintaining a low calorie diet and getting enough protein especially being a busy mom of 2. I know how crazy it can be with 2 little ones - mine are 20 months apart. Nursing burns 400+ calories a day and you definitely need to replace those calories for your body to function properly and keep a healthy milk supply. I'm sure you want to lose the pregnancy weight quickly but eating too few calories is not sustainable and will eventually lead to low energy, health issues and/or bingeing. Lowering your calorie deficit will give you more energy and could even get you out of this plateau.

    I cut up lots of fruits & veggies like pineapple, strawberries, watermelon & cucumbers so I have a quick healthy snack available when I'm hungry. I also cook a package of chicken tenderloins (they're so much quicker to trim & cook than chicken breast and are actually cheaper at my local grocery store) every few days and keep romaine lettuce & shredded cheese on hand. I grill or pan cook the chicken, no butter or oil, with bbq sauce then mix with lettuce & cheesr for a salad. It only takes 5 mins in on yhe stove to reheat the chicken, at 2 tenders per salad that's 3-4 meals. Almonds are another quick, healthy snack, some cereals like shredded wheat & oatmealare high in fiber which keeps you full.

    It really is possible to eat healthy without cooking all day. I don't eat 100% clean all day everday but I'm at about 80% clean each week at the same prep time as before. Maybe start out with making the effort to eat clean every other day or 1 meal a day then go from there. Eventually you will want to eat healthier all the time!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    yep, there are always a few folks who sound a little rude.....I guess they voice their opinion stronger in writing?

    it sounds like you prepare amazingly good food for your family, but you are short-changing yourself in an attempt to lose the baby weight. I get this..I do. But unfortunately, you are starving yourself and although the shakes sound healthy, that is probably not a good choice for more than once/day for a nursing mom. I would think you would be hungry and tired. But you may just be too busy to notice....lol...you have quite the house full of little darlings!

    Try eating for lunch what you prepare for your kids. Have your shake for breakfast...I'm sure that is the easiest for a working Mom. Have a fruit or vege snack mid-morning and that healthy lunch. Have another healthy snack in the afternoon. You are making very important milk, so let's keep the healthy nutrients coming into the factory! (SMILE) I bet you also make a healthy dinner for your family. Eat it, or part of it with a huge salad. Again, (I tend to repeat myself) eat good fats with all the other stuff. My girls were 21 months apart....years ago, but it seemed like I was a Milk Factory for years!

    Good luck. I know if you up your cals, fat and protein and veges that your weight should start dropping. Good for you on the exercise. I know it is hard to get that in. Unfortunately, diaper changes don't burn that many calories~lol. and I think you are Super Mom. You are just neglecting your food needs a little in trying (somewhat unsuccessfully). to lose weight. No rudeness intended!!!
  • Jennifera714
    yep, there are always a few folks who sound a little rude.....I guess they voice their opinion stronger in writing?

    it sounds like you prepare amazingly good food for your family, but you are short-changing yourself in an attempt to lose the baby weight. I get this..I do. But unfortunately, you are starving yourself and although the shakes sound healthy, that is probably not a good choice for more than once/day for a nursing mom. I would think you would be hungry and tired. But you may just be too busy to notice....lol...you have quite the house full of little darlings!

    Try eating for lunch what you prepare for your kids. Have your shake for breakfast...I'm sure that is the easiest for a working Mom. Have a fruit or vege snack mid-morning and that healthy lunch. Have another healthy snack in the afternoon. You are making very important milk, so let's keep the healthy nutrients coming into the factory! (SMILE) I bet you also make a healthy dinner for your family. Eat it, or part of it with a huge salad. Again, (I tend to repeat myself) eat good fats with all the other stuff. My girls were 21 months apart....years ago, but it seemed like I was a Milk Factory for years!

    Good luck. I know if you up your cals, fat and protein and veges that your weight should start dropping. Good for you on the exercise. I know it is hard to get that in. Unfortunately, diaper changes don't burn that many calories~lol. and I think you are Super Mom. You are just neglecting your food needs a little in trying (somewhat unsuccessfully). to lose weight. No rudeness intended!!!

    Thank you!
  • lilimini
    lilimini Posts: 56
    I think that weight loss is like a diet/life change. By eating mostly meal replacements, it will be hard to know what to eat once you stop drinking them for weight loss. Drinking them isn't teaching you how to cook healthier food.

    Once you start eating food you will notice that you will have to eat so many vegetables and fruits to make up the 330 calories in one of those shakes. Why not make your own shakes? Or natural drinks? I am sure that they will be healthier for you and more maintainable in the long run.

    Also, you have to be open to change. You asked for advice, and most people are telling you to ditch the meal replacements - but it doesn't seem like you want to listen.

    I have lost 37lbs without any meal replacements. I am sure you can do that too!
  • Jennifera714
    I think that weight loss is like a diet/life change. By eating mostly meal replacements, it will be hard to know what to eat once you stop drinking them for weight loss. Drinking them isn't teaching you how to cook healthier food.

    Once you start eating food you will notice that you will have to eat so many vegetables and fruits to make up the 330 calories in one of those shakes. Why not make your own shakes? Or natural drinks? I am sure that they will be healthier for you and more maintainable in the long run.

    Also, you have to be open to change. You asked for advice, and most people are telling you to ditch the meal replacements - but it doesn't seem like you want to listen.

    I have lost 37lbs without any meal replacements. I am sure you can do that too!

    I have been on the meal replacements for about 4 weeks now before I ate REAL food and since I have lost 7 lbs total even drinking my shakes. I will try to cut those down some and start with more greens.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I agree to ditching the shakes. Your complaint is that, even with your shakes, you aren't losing weight. So obviously they aren't helping. Not to mention the fact that you're still breastfeeding. You're literally leeching the nutrients out of your body and failing to replace them and that's not something that should be taken lightly. I'm 99% sure even the producer of those drinks wouldn't recommend using them as a meal replacement while bf-ing. Your nutrition is way too important right now.

    You need to be eating at least 500 calories a day more than you would if you weren't nursing. Once again, your body sees milk production as the ultimate priority and it's entirely possible you could be put in starvation mode much easier than a non-lactating individual.

    You seem incredibly busy and I can completely relate. I think you should just do what you can right now. If you're severely strapped for time and low on energy, you may not be able to put the time and energy into completely revamping your diet and exercise habits, and that's ok. It may mean you don't lose at the rate you'd like to, but on the bright side... You get the joy of your little ones :)
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    Can't say I agree with anything that's been posted with the exception of mentioning BMR...

    OP, you don't log everyday... that's the first red flag.

    Do you weigh your food?
    Do you track all the little nibbles?
    Do you log consistently?
    Do you know what TDEE and BMR are?
    How are you determining your calorie burns?
    Do you know if they are accurate?

    Start there... don't worry about the shakes if its a convenience thing for you. That is probably the least of your problems.


    You need to track ALL your food intake, daily, and do so as accurately as possible. The best way to do that is weighing everything on a digital scale as it's much more accurate than eyeballing, using measuring cups/spoons, etc. Bites, nibbles, spoon licks, condiments, oils you use to cook with, etc. all should be logged in your diary. If you drink alcohol, that should also be logged.

    Start by tracking everything and being super accurate, and see what happens.

    Also make sure you've got appropriate calorie and macro goals set for yourself.

    THIS!!! I have a almost 3 year old---and I prepare most of his meals. i've found often (all the time) he doesnt eat everything on his plate so daddy finishes it up to not waste food. this...adds...up.

    Since joining MFP I've stopped that and Ill save his food for later or chuck it. If youhave several kids just multiply what I said lol.

    If youre not weighing everything, you may as well not bother tracking at all.
  • Jennifera714
    Can't say I agree with anything that's been posted with the exception of mentioning BMR...

    OP, you don't log everyday... that's the first red flag.

    Do you weigh your food?
    Do you track all the little nibbles?
    Do you log consistently?
    Do you know what TDEE and BMR are?
    How are you determining your calorie burns?
    Do you know if they are accurate?

    Start there... don't worry about the shakes if its a convenience thing for you. That is probably the least of your problems.


    You need to track ALL your food intake, daily, and do so as accurately as possible. The best way to do that is weighing everything on a digital scale as it's much more accurate than eyeballing, using measuring cups/spoons, etc. Bites, nibbles, spoon licks, condiments, oils you use to cook with, etc. all should be logged in your diary. If you drink alcohol, that should also be logged.

    Start by tracking everything and being super accurate, and see what happens.

    Also make sure you've got appropriate calorie and macro goals set for yourself.

    THIS!!! I have a almost 3 year old---and I prepare most of his meals. i've found often (all the time) he doesnt eat everything on his plate so daddy finishes it up to not waste food. this...adds...up.

    Since joining MFP I've stopped that and Ill save his food for later or chuck it. If youhave several kids just multiply what I said lol.

    If youre not weighing everything, you may as well not bother tracking at all.

    My husband finishes left overs!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Unfortunately, if you are always eating the same things, your body gets used to it and compensates.
