Interesting article - Starvation Mode



  • nikkim19781
    nikkim19781 Posts: 45 Member
    there's a really obvious point that totally disproves the whole "starvation mode' ideology.....
    IF the starvation mode really did exist, if it stopped you from losing weight then WHY would an "emergency" diet work? I;m not getting into a debate about wether its right or wrong to restrict calories to such a level, but scientifically it really is a myth.
    Morbidly obese people are put onto diets as low as 500kcal a day. surprisingly they LOOSE weight! this is a HUGE deficit compared to what most of us could possibly create on here! their bodies need huge amounts of calories just to maintain weight so dropping to this lets them loose weight FAST!!

    I think what starvation mode perhaps is, when people experience it, is when they aren't eating enough/particually enough GOOD food to get energy from, so they become more sedentiary therefor burning less calories in daily life.stop working out as hard etc.
    food is fuel and I can totally see it having an effect in this way, but the actual idea that by limiting calories your body will hold onto weight???
    I can get that when you start eating again the body will try to store fat but that's not the ide aof the starvation mode is it??

    personally I aim for 1000-1200 a day and eat 5 small meals to keep my metabolism working, I also try to exercise twice a day for the same reasons, keep my body firing!

    And with 15lbs lost, I see it is working well for you! Just as it is for me. It just proves that every body is different, my caloric needs are not going to be the same as the next person or the next person or the next. If its broken, don't try to fix it. Thank you so much for this response!
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    Do what works for you. Diet and weight loss is a lot of trial and error, as every body reacts differently. The general consensus, however, is to not go below 1200 calories. If you're having a hard time reaching it, maybe try sneaking some calories in by using some extra olive oil in your cooking or something similar to where you can add those extra calories in a healthful way, without feeling too full.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    "Starvation mode" is not a good term for what happens. Metabolic slowdown would be a better term. And, when you are trying to lose weight, slowing down your metabolism is not desirable.

    This. I posted something about this earlier in a starvation mode thread. happened to me, i was drastically undereating for my activity levels, lost a ton of weight and then gained weight eating at a deficit. Metabolic halt was more like it for me.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I have been on 1200 cals for the last 3 years or so - has worked for me. I had WLS (lap band) which restricts my intake, but I could definitely eat more than 1200/day if I wanted to. I have a very slow metabolism though (according to the MedGem metabolic test), so maybe this is why it works for me. Listen to your body (one way or the other) and make sure and strength train to get your BMR up!

    Did you have a slow metabolism before the WLS surgery?
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Exactly what I am being told by LOTS of friends on my list!! Great info!
    "Starvation mode" is not a good term for what happens. Metabolic slowdown would be a better term. And, when you are trying to lose weight, slowing down your metabolism is not desirable.