Am I at a healthy weight?



  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    I am also 1.63m and 58kg is what I am aiming for. That will give me a nice BMI of just under 22. Perhaps go down to 60kg by adjusting your calorie intake and/or exercise and see how you feel then.
  • caratayloruk
    caratayloruk Posts: 58 Member
    trjjoy wrote: »
    if i lost another 17lb I'd look too thin as I've a large frame.

    You don't have a large frame.

    That's funny because as I'm 5 foot 3 and have a wrist circumference of just shy of 7 inches every frame calculator puts me at a large frame. Unless you've a different one?
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    You are measuring bone AND fat. Don't buy into the "I have big bones" myth. Have a look at the "success stories" threads. You'll see that losing excess body weight transforms one's body.
  • Kristin2626
    Kristin2626 Posts: 24 Member
    BMI isn't perfect. I feel terrible when I am a healthy BMI -- if you want a better idea, buy calipers and figure out your body fat % -- they're really cheap on Amazon.
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    If you feel good at 145, stay there. I mean, its 6 lbs to a healthy BMI. Is it really worth it if you like your body, and 145 is an easier weight to maintain?

    I've seen so many people try to lose that last 5 lbs and then feel miserable trying to maintain it, and gain back way more. I've been that person. So, yes, this is a question only you can answer.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    trjjoy wrote: »
    You are measuring bone AND fat. Don't buy into the "I have big bones" myth. Have a look at the "success stories" threads. You'll see that losing excess body weight transforms one's body.

    Do you believe anyone has a large frame, though?

    I'm in the middle of the healthy BMI range for my height, but I really do have a wide frame. It's why my ribs are very visible even though I'm not skinny. I have wide shoulders (bones, not delts. I want more delts!) and a wide ribcage, like certain breeds of dogs, lol.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Your decision. You're on the higher end of a healthy weight but if you're happy, that's cool. I'm 5'4" and definitely was not satisfied with 145 (though I'm almost 145 again, but that is after running a bulk and gaining muscle-I will cut back down to the 130s)
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    You could always maintain for a while and see how it goes! There's no reason why you can't start trying to lose again in a few months.

    I'm 5'2.5" (that half inch is important, lol) and when I got to 137, which is the top end of a healthy BMI for my height, I went into maintenance for a while. I was perfectly happy at that weight. Felt good, looked good. After a couple months I decided I wanted to lose a little more. I lost about 5 more pounds and I was honestly surprised at what a huge difference those 5 pounds made! I lost 2 dress sizes with those 5 pounds and the comments from people about my weight loss started back up again. Let me tell you, those 5 pounds took a lot more effort than the first 75! I want to lose another 5 but I think maintaining between 130-135 may be a good range for me.
  • I think you look great. My wife is 5' and has often struggled with her weight, but honestly I think she looks best right around 120lbs. Any less and she starts to lose her natural assets. For your height I would shoot for the 135-145 lb range. Even if your on the pill, if you've plateaued then you need to reduce your daily caloric goal. Eating more frequent smaller meals throughout the day will help keep your metabolism in high gear when compared to less frequent larger meals. Also try a scoop of casein protein in between meals or before bed and a scoop of whey protein first thing in the morning upon waking
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    trjjoy wrote: »
    You are measuring bone AND fat. Don't buy into the "I have big bones" myth. Have a look at the "success stories" threads. You'll see that losing excess body weight transforms one's body.

    Do you believe anyone has a large frame, though?

    I'm in the middle of the healthy BMI range for my height, but I really do have a wide frame. It's why my ribs are very visible even though I'm not skinny. I have wide shoulders (bones, not delts. I want more delts!) and a wide ribcage, like certain breeds of dogs, lol.

    Yeah big boned really is a thing. Different breeds of dogs is a great way to illustrate it! From what I understand of the wrist test, if I measured it anywhere other than the bone --no fat there--I'd be doing it wrong. I am 5'6" which puts my healthy BMI at something like 120-150. So why I felt so great in this picture at 26.6 BMI:
    That's 165 pounds and, IMO, I was pretty proportionate. Could I have lost more and hardened up my stomach? Yes, but due to my body type I felt I looked acceptable while still technically overweight. I was in great shape and ran my first half marathon. I do attribute some of the look to heavy weight lifting but obviously I didn't gain muscle on the deficite.

    Anyway to the OP. If you want to take a maintenance break nothing is stopping you. Eat to maintain and stay active for a while. If you feel the need to try again in a few weeks or months then go for it!
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member

    Do you believe anyone has a large frame, though?

    I'm in the middle of the healthy BMI range for my height, but I really do have a wide frame. It's why my ribs are very visible even though I'm not skinny. I have wide shoulders (bones, not delts. I want more delts!) and a wide ribcage, like certain breeds of dogs, lol.

    No, I don't believe anyone has a ''large frame''.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I think you look great. My wife is 5' and has often struggled with her weight, but honestly I think she looks best right around 120lbs. Any less and she starts to lose her natural assets. For your height I would shoot for the 135-145 lb range. Even if your on the pill, if you've plateaued then you need to reduce your daily caloric goal. Eating more frequent smaller meals throughout the day will help keep your metabolism in high gear when compared to less frequent larger meals. Also try a scoop of casein protein in between meals or before bed and a scoop of whey protein first thing in the morning upon waking

    Frequency of meals has nothing to do with weight loss unless it helps the person to reach a calorie deficit. You can't put your metabolism in high gear.

    Plenty of people lose weight at the same speed just eating one large meal a day or eating in a 3-8 hour window.

    All that matters is calories in, versus calories out.

    She may already be eating enough protein, but if not, then protein from food is probably more satisfying.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    edited February 2016
    trjjoy wrote: »

    Do you believe anyone has a large frame, though?

    I'm in the middle of the healthy BMI range for my height, but I really do have a wide frame. It's why my ribs are very visible even though I'm not skinny. I have wide shoulders (bones, not delts. I want more delts!) and a wide ribcage, like certain breeds of dogs, lol.

    No, I don't believe anyone has a ''large frame''.

    LOL!!!! So are you actually implying that if you stripped away all the fat and muscle, the size of the skeletal structure underneath would be the the same in all women?? You have to admit that that's utter cobblers.

  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    CollieFit wrote: »
    trjjoy wrote: »

    Do you believe anyone has a large frame, though?

    I'm in the middle of the healthy BMI range for my height, but I really do have a wide frame. It's why my ribs are very visible even though I'm not skinny. I have wide shoulders (bones, not delts. I want more delts!) and a wide ribcage, like certain breeds of dogs, lol.

    No, I don't believe anyone has a ''large frame''.

    LOL!!!! So are you actually implying that if you stripped away all the fat and muscle, the size of the skeletal structure underneath would be the the same in all women?? You have to admit that that's utter cobblers.

    I think they are saying that they would be close and not drastically different in overall shape. We are talking less that a couple pounds between women of similar heights.
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    edited February 2016
    You could always maintain for a while and see how it goes! There's no reason why you can't start trying to lose again in a few months.

    This is what I did for a few months. At the end of October I was down to 140 (I'm 5'2.5") and had a few days of unplanned break from logging which turned into three months of seeing if I could maintain without keeping such close tabs on my eating. I was still 140 in mid-January. I was reasonably happy there but I look like my bf% is still quite high (estimates put it between 26 and 31% and I would agree with the higher side of that), so I decided to start up again. Currently at 137 and just those three pounds have made a visible difference, and I'm thinking that I'll likely stop before my guesstimated goal range of 120-127. It's a very personal thing though, so whatever makes you happy! If you decide lose a little more and you're not comfortable there, you can change that too :)
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Thank you everyone for the compliments and advice!