What is 'good health'?

So I just watched a youtube video on weight loss and after reading and commenting (too much), I've decided to bring the discussion here:
1. Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)?
2. How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed?
3. How do you feel about table salt?
3. Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages?
4. Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods?
5. Is the vegan life 'better'?

You may choose to answer some or all. My main question is what is good health?


  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    1. No, not really. And 130 seems pretty low for 5' 8 to me.
    2. Dairy is fine if you can digest it and aren't allergic. Some can, some can't.
    3. Salt isn't a worry unless you have a medical condition. It can cause some water retention.
    4. Depends on the quality/bio availability of the supplement. There are a lot of crap ones out there.
    5. Kind of, in that some things like trans-fat are known to have a negative effect. Not in a "naughty" sense. Also some foods may be too hard for you personally to regulate, so you may want to avoid those while trying to lose.
    6. No. Vegan isn't "better", just different. Actually there was a book written by a former veggie on why being vegetarian isn't so great for the planet. Short version: animals can consume/digest plant material that humans can not, so by eating those animals we can access more calories from available resources. On the other hand, current big agriculture practices are destroying the soil and are unsustainable.

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    1. 50lbs in 4.5 months sounds really high, especially at a starting weight of 179. The general rule of thumb is 1-2 pounds per week, and less when you don't have much to lose.

    2. I love dairy. I eat it every day and am still losing weight. It contains important nutrients like protein and calcium, although it does tend to be high calorie though, so I would recommend limiting the amount eaten each day. For health reasons, I would say keep it in your diet to the extent that works for you.

    3. I used to have no problem with salt. I used it all my cooking and baking but rarely added it to prepared meals. Then I started living with my husband who rarely adds it when cooking and never when baking. At first all the food tasted bland to me, but once I got used to living this way everything tasted great again. I do think it is important to limit salt intake for health reasons. My exception to this is that I live in the desert. Hiking on really hot days, it is really important to get additional electrolytes to help with dehydration (I have chronic problems with this after getting heat exhaustion several years ago), and salty foods/drinks can help with that. So I always take fruit, salty crackers, and watered down Gatorade on long hikes.

    4. I don't know how I feel about supplements vs nutrients from food in terms of quality, but I would generally prefer to get my nutrients from food. It just feels better to me and can be an indicator of a more varied diet. Having said that, I struggle to eat enough protein each day and have been using a protein supplement a few times a week to help.

    5. I don't believe in "bad" foods. I believe all foods have important nutritional elements, but some have a greater concentration or variety of nutrients.

    6. I strongly believe the vegan life is only better if you follow it for ethical reasons. I do not believe it is better for health or weight loss.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    1. Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)?

    No. A good weekly rate for you would be 1 pound per week, which is around 20 pounds in 4.5 months.

    2. How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed?

    I love dairy. I'm lactose intolerant but drink/eat it every day as certain milks give me no problem (e.g., non-homogenized milk and Fairlife brand milk) and I'll happily take lactase pills so I can eat cottage cheese or ice cream. Yogurt also gives me no problems.

    3. How do you feel about table salt?

    Not even sure how to answer this. I like it? I kind of like kosher salt better because it has more texture but table salt is fine in my book.

    4. Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages?

    What supplements are you talking about? I use protein powder a few times a week to supplement my diet. I don't use it in place of anything.

    5. Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods?

    Yes. Creamed corn is truly terrible, as are meat/fruit combinations and ham with melted cheese on top. Absolutely repulsive IMO.

    7. Is the vegan life 'better'?

    It's not for me but I don't think it's any worse or better than my life. To each his/her own. I don't really care what other people eat, assuming they aren't taking it off of my plate.
  • Floridaman789
    Floridaman789 Posts: 109 Member
    5. Yes there are bad foods the ones that have empty calories there not good for you. Research empty calorie foods and you will see there bad. Dairy is ok I use organic dairy milk,cheese,and Greek yogurt.yes it's possible to lose 50 pounds in 4.5 mknths. Is it healthy I don't know because everyone is different. I have lost 38 pounds in 7 weeks some people loose weight faster than others so there's no answer because all people are different. Salt is bad for people who have high blood pressure.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    1. Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)?
    I would say "what's the rush"?

    2. How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed?
    I have no "feelings" about dairy. I don't tell people what they should or shouldn't eat. I enjoy both milk and cheese.

    3. How do you feel about table salt?
    Again I have no "feelings" about table salt. I add salt to some dishes because to me that way they taste better. I appreciate that sodium might be an issue for people with particular health problems, but that does not affect me.

    3. Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages?
    I take a simple broad spectrum multi-vitamin and extra calcium because osteoporosis runs in the female line of my family, but I see those as a back up and try to get good nutrition from the food that I eat.

    4. Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods?
    I believe that some foods are better for us than others.

    5. Is the vegan life 'better'?
    I wouldn't know, I have never tried. But I have every respect for people who have adopted the vegan life for whatever reasons.
  • jodidari
    jodidari Posts: 95 Member
    There was a huge argument in the comments, especially over dairy stating that it isn't to be ingested after the age of 3 and it is found to fuel cancerous cells . I just wanted to know how many people believed it was unhealthy to consume dairy.
    Another was saying regular table salt is very unhealthy and seaweed salt, kosher salt or some other form of salt should be used.

    The whole thing began with one person saying she lost 50 lbs in 4.5 months and I found that so unbelievable to do healthily since I can barely lose 4lbs a month
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,019 Member
    edited February 2016
    jodidari wrote: »
    So I just watched a youtube video on weight loss and after reading and commenting (too much), I've decided to bring the discussion here:
    1. Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)?
    3. How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed?
    4. How do you feel about table salt?
    4. Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages?
    5. Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods?
    6. Is the vegan life 'better'?

    You may choose to answer some or all. My main question is what is good health?

    1. I think that 50 lbs in 4.5 months is not healthy. I think you should shoot for at least 6 - 10 months to lose that much.
    2. I like dairy and I think that it is a good source of protien and calcium.
    3. I rarely add salt at the table. I think most recipes use enough salt. I do like some salty snacks and there are some things that I think need salt, but I'm more likely to think that something is too salty.
    4. I think it is ok to use supplements if there is some reason you are unable to get all of your necessary nutrients from food. I take b-12 shots for b-12 anemia and my daughter is iron anemic and often has to take iron supplements. But I think it is best to get the nutrients from food.
    5. I don't think there are bad foods, just bad portion sizes.
    6. I don't think the vegan life is better. I think the vegan life is too extreme for me. I do put local honey in my tea in the fall for my allergies and I have had some vegans be really ugly to me about that. I know the beekeeper and she loves her bees. Plus I really like meat and eggs and cheese. I only personally know a few vegans and they are kind of jerks about it and they don't appear to be very healthy either. I'm sure there are lots of nice vegans who are very healthy, but I don't personally know any. I don't care what others eat or don't eat and I don't like others telling me what I should and shouldn't eat.

    I think good health is being at a weight where you feel good about yourself and you are able to be active. You may be ok with how you look, but if you are winded going up stairs or too tired to play with your kids or grandkids then you may not be healthy.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jodidari wrote: »
    There was a huge argument in the comments, especially over dairy stating that it isn't to be ingested after the age of 3 and it is found to fuel cancerous cells . I just wanted to know how many people believed it was unhealthy to consume dairy.
    Another was saying regular table salt is very unhealthy and seaweed salt, kosher salt or some other form of salt should be used.

    The whole thing began with one person saying she lost 50 lbs in 4.5 months and I found that so unbelievable to do healthily since I can barely lose 4lbs a month

    A heavily overweight person could lose 50 pounds in 4.5 months. I lost something like 30 pounds in that amount of time, starting at 202.5. I would say that a woman weighing in the upper 200s could probably lose 50 in that time frame and it would be healthy. So I guess you'd need to be "lucky" enough to be heavy enough to lose at that rate and still be healthy.

    People get all up in arms about dairy. Well, they do about a lot of stuff but dairy seems to be a hot button topic. Like I said, I don't care what other people eat as long as they aren't taking it off of my plate.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited February 2016
    1. Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)?

    No. I lost 50lbs in 9 months. You are the same height as me and aiming for a goal weight 31lbs below mine. Why so low, are you small framed?

    2. How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed?

    I love dairy. And yogurt and cheese

    3. How do you feel about table salt?

    Cooking without salt is problematic and bland

    4. Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages?

    Depends which. Nothing beats a nutritious diet

    5. Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods?

    No. Unless you grill a tomato or put fruit in a main course...they both bad

    7. Is the vegan life 'better'?

    No. Cos bacon.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    No. Unless you ...put fruit in a main course...

    I knew I liked you.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    1. Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)?
    unlikely, it may be possible, but the risks aren't worth it. You are better off losing at under 1% of your body weight per week. We'll call it 1.5lb/week on average tops (cause I'm lazy) or ~28lb tops.

    2. How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed?
    dairy is fine, so long as it fits your calories. If you look back through the history of diet recomendations water should be your primary drink followed by low levels of milk, juices, and other sugary drinks. I love cheese and ice cream though.

    3. How do you feel about table salt?
    My wife prefers sea salt, but honestly sodium is sodium. Different versions have different impurities and crystal sizes which change the taste/texture but do nothing to change what sodium is (an essential nutrient).

    3. Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages?
    Sure, but they tend to be more expensive. I'd rather eat my food most of the time, but I do take protein for the convenience factor of not having to cook up some chicken.

    4. Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods?
    Anything left on the counter for too long is bad food. Kale is the most disgusting food I can think of. So yes.

    5. Is the vegan life 'better'?
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    1. No idea. I've often heard that the weight stays off if you lose weight slowly, maybe some truth in that as you're likely to permanently change some of your eating habits for healthier options ... was like that for me anyway.
    2. Dairy is fine if you don't have to avoid it for medical reasons or unless you choose not to consume it for other reasons, but you may have to eat it in moderation or choose more low fat options if trying to lose weight.
    3. Sodium is necessary but is added to very many processed foods so most people probably get enough in their diet. I add a small amount to some home-cooked dishes but don't add to veg while cooking them or at the table.
    4. As others here have already said, some foods are better for you than others. I have a long list of foods that I consider 'bad' for me personally but generally speaking would agree with the premise 'everything in moderation'.
    5. Again, generally speaking a vegan diet can be no healthier than any other, but for me personally it is healthier because I now know more about nutrition and eat far more healthy food than I used to. Still have to limit the amount of treats though, it would be easy to gain weight. Also it's good to know I'm not subsidising animal cruelty, something that's important to me. Many say they're vegan here but I suspect some haven't looked too hard into what it actually means, is an ethical issue too.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    None of those questions have anything to do with "good health." All answers will be based on an individual's likes, wants and needs. Except maybe the first question. I would say trying to lose too much too quickly isn't healthy.

    I'm at a good weight for my height. I have no major health issues. All my numbers are good, cholesterol is down, blood pressure is good, hormone levels are normal. I am not depressed and am generally happy with the way I look. I am a happy person, I have a great family and a nice home. (Could use more money, though!) My doctor gives me a thumbs up with my current health status, so I guess I qualify as a healthy person.

    So those are all things that I consider important in order to be healthy mentally, physically and emotionally, which have to do with food to a certain extent, but not with types of food, good or bad foods, only how much food.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I can't believe how much sense there is in this thread so far.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    7. Is the vegan life 'better'?

    No. Cos bacon.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I can't believe how much sense there is in this thread so far.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    7. Is the vegan life 'better'?

    No. Cos bacon.


    Don't jinx us!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited February 2016
    Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)?
    No. I don't think that is a healthy rate of loss. 15-30 lbs would be more reasonable and healthy loss for that time period. 129 lbs seems like a low weight goal for someone of that height.

    How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed?
    I like dairy and consume it in moderation. Personal preference unless you have a medical condition like an allergy.

    How do you feel about table salt?
    I like salty foods. I watch my sodium intake so I don't go too overboard.

    Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages?
    Not equal but I'm not against supplements if they are really just supplements and not replacements.

    Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods?
    Bad foods are spoiled/contaminated foods or foods you should personally avoid because of your own medical issues. Cilantro is gross.

    Is the vegan life 'better'?
    No. It is a personal food preference or moral stance.

  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    jodidari wrote: »
    So I just watched a youtube video on weight loss and after reading and commenting (too much), I've decided to bring the discussion here:
    1. Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)? Most likely, no. That's more than 10 lbs. x month which wouldn't be possible unless you were terribly obese.
    2. How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed? People have a variety of opinions on this. Personally, I think that dairy is an essential part of the diet and that Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are incredible sources of protein and have lots of good probiotics for the digestive system.
    3. How do you feel about table salt? Fine in moderation, as with all things.
    3. Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages? Supplements should not replace food/beverages, but they are great if you are lacking in certain areas. I prefer a multi-vitamin, amino acids and cranberry extract.
    4. Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods? Of course. Sugar-filled, processed food is crap. Fast food.
    5. Is the vegan life 'better'? Our bodies need meat. Yes, people will disagree, but in my experience, I did not do well when lacking meat.

    You may choose to answer some or all. My main question is what is good health?
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member

    1. Don't set a time limit for losing weight, just go for say 2 pounds a week and stop when you reach an ideal weight.
    2. Dairy? Not for me due to lactose issues. I do eat some cheese and enjoy unsweetened almond milk.
    3. We get too much salt from our diet already, cut back.
    3. I get what I need from quality foods
    4. I call processed food bad, hit the produce aisle.
    5. I like lean meats & fish
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,843 Member
    1. Do you think you can healthily lose 50lbs in 4.5 months (from a starting point of 179lbs and 5ft 8 inches)?
    I think it would be healthier not to lose that fast, especially as your weight gets lower. 1% of your bodyweight per week is conservative. Also, losing fast is not sustainable for many people: They fall off the wagon, binge eat, etc. Losing more slowly lets you learn healthy new habits you can use for the rest of your life to maintain a healthy weight.

    2. How do you feel about dairy? Should it or should it not be consumed?
    Some people have an allergy or sensitivity to milk. I don't. I like dairy, and eat a lot of it. (I'm ovo-lacto vegetarian.) Other people can figure this out for themselves.

    3. How do you feel about table salt?
    I think it's delicious, and it doesn't seem to cause me to have high blood pressure, or to retain worrisome amounts of water (bloating), so I eat it when I feel like it. People whose bodies don't handle it well probably would want to reduce or avoid it.

    4. Do you feel supplements are equal to getting nutrients and minerals from actual food and beverages?
    Probably not. Over the course of my life, researchers have continued to identify new essential vitamins & other nutrients that were not previously known. Many of them are probably in the foods our ancestors have been eating for centuries, but they may not be in highly-processed supplements. Also, some research suggests that getting certain nutrients from supplements (like pills) is not as beneficial as getting those same nutrients from food. Besides, real food is more tasty and satisfying than powders, pills, and bars.

    5. Do you believe in the existence of 'bad' foods?
    I don't think there are any non-existent foods ;) , but I don't think foods have a moral value, mostly. I think some foods are more tasty, satisfying and nutritious than others, and that some foods are better than others for helping me meet my personal objectives.

    6. Is the vegan life 'better'?
    Better in what way? I think this is a very subjective question. Like I said, I'm ovo-lacto vegetarian, and I don't even think that life is objectively 'better'. It's just a personal preference. Some people believe everyone should share their personal preferences. I don't.

    You may choose to answer some or all. My main question is what is good health?
    Since "good health" is an abstract concept, different people will have different definitions. Disease-free, energetic, and strong are some of the characteristics that come to my mind when I strive for good health. But even people with chronic disease can be relatively more or less healthy - it's a continuum, not one single thing.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I don't understand...your topic does not match your questions.

    Health is something that can't be guaranteed. You can find the "perfect" mix of foods and exercise, follow all of the rules, work your butt off and still have something terrible happen to you. These things are in great measure out of our control.

    I was a very fit, active, vegetarian former athlete when I had a brain aneurysm (no risk factors for that) at age 27.