Baby weight. Add me!

Hey all. Just had baby girl number 2 three weeks ago and am horrified with the 60lbs I gained this go around.
Looking for some friends on here to keep me motivated and accountable. Add me, please!


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi! I put on a lot with my 2nd child (a girl) and I've now lost 66lbs since she was a few weeks old (she was 2 in May). I'm now a lot smaller than before I was pregnant though, so I probably put on around 45lbs. I didn't dare weigh myself while pregnant!

    Feel free to add me.
  • autumn26
    autumn26 Posts: 44
    Added you. Thats amazing! Good work. The worst part is, I had just finally lost all of the baby weight from the first wnd was at my goal weight...but as soon as I get pregnant my body starts packing it on. I gained 60lbs this time but have lost 20 already....40 to go!
  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    Congrats on your baby girl! I understand what you mean...I gained 60 with my second. I had my 3rd 7 weeks ago and somehow managed to only gain 36( 12 lbs was him). I am 2 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight (which is great), but my pre pregnancy weight is still not healthy so I'm looking to lose more. I am exclusively bfing and I've read that exercise doesn't affect milk supply so that's great but I'm still waiting on my incision to heal from my c section. Any support we can provide each other is great. Do you have a specific workout routine lined up? Is there one that helped you lose the weight from your previous pregnancy? I'm looking to do a total body workout that way all bases are covered!
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    You're not alone. I gained 65! I had my son on Valentine's day of this year. Now that my son is almost five months, I have more energy and time to get back to how fit I used to be. It's hard juggling it all but you and I both know it's worth it :)
  • autumn26
    autumn26 Posts: 44
    It is nice to know I am not the only one! Adding you ladies.
  • My son is 16 months old, and when I started using mfp 06/02 I was 3 lbs heavier than when I have birth. I gained about 20 lbs with my son, but I was at my all time heaviest when I got pregnant. I'm down 10 lbs as of right now. My goal is to lose 10 a month and I'm October start trying for baby #2.
    So far I've worked out a few times, but have focused on my calories. Today I started the 30 day squat challenge and I plan on working out 3 days a week this month.
    I'm sending you a friend request. It's great having people to support you!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Added you. Thats amazing! Good work. The worst part is, I had just finally lost all of the baby weight from the first wnd was at my goal weight...but as soon as I get pregnant my body starts packing it on. I gained 60lbs this time but have lost 20 already....40 to go!

    The same happened to me! My son was nearly 14 months when I got pregnant with my daughter, and I was in all my old clothes, although not quite as slim as I had been. I put it all on and more with my daughter, although I didn't really exercise while pregnant with her.

    I'd love a 3rd baby but I'm worried about piling all the weight back on.
  • bluebelltinkerbell
    bluebelltinkerbell Posts: 36 Member
    I had my 3rd child 9mths ago, trying to lose that pesky baby weight! Add me im on here everyday :)
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Hey all. Just had baby girl number 2 three weeks ago and am horrified with the 60lbs I gained this go around.
    Looking for some friends on here to keep me motivated and accountable. Add me, please!

    Congrats on the baby girl! :)

    Feel free to add me, I'll be glad to support you xx
  • Hi, feel free to add me anyone. I am trying to lose my pregnancy weight as well but it is so difficult!!
  • BeckyJo19
    BeckyJo19 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi There! Feel free to add me too! My son (baby #2) just turned 1 last weekend. I've managed to lose all the baby weight, now it's time to get into a healthy weight range! Good luck!
  • BayleighPaws
    BayleighPaws Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! My son turns one next month and I've managed to lose all the baby weight and them some! Now working on being healthy and fit before building baby #2!
  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    Hi congrats on your baby girl! I'm still trying to lose the baby weight from number 1 and baby number 2 is 4 months old :blushing: With baby number 2 I only put on 15lbs but thats with me still carrying 35lbs from my first pregnancy so kinda in the same boat as you, baby weight is baby weight right! Anyone else trying to lose baby weight feel free to add me :smile: