whats your story?

Hello , I wanna hear other peoples stories. I'm 20 years old and just had a baby a month and a half ago and now I need to lose 50 pounds for the air force ! Its so much and I really am hoping I can reach my goal by this summer . I'm addicted to food really bad and don't workout at all now . really hoping I can do it ! What's your story?


  • emmafredscharlie
    emmafredscharlie Posts: 14 Member
    I am in early 40s... single mum of two boys had a hip replacement 5 months ago so with that and Xmas the weight piled on almost 2 stone.... looking to lose 3 stone.... I am in my first week... and determined to do this with discipline and support!!
  • kaylamoultrie1
    kaylamoultrie1 Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it !
    I am early 40s... single mum of two boys had a hip replacement 5 months ago so with that and Xmas the weight piled on almost 2 stone.... looking to lose 3 stone.... I am in my first week... and determined to do this with discipline and support!!